Unity Cloud Build + gitStack personal server

I’m having some trouble getting started with UCB, and wondering if any others have hit the same issue. My repo is stored on a server that’s running gitStack. I can connect to it remotely fine, but the UCB page is returning a URL connection error → “We were not able to connect to your URL”

The path I’m putting in is formatted like so:
and when I ping my path with git ls-remote from a terminal on a separate machine, it appears to connect just fine.

I came across another thread where users were asking about https and using this service with git + username and password. Since gitstack is apache-based and does not support ssh, I suspect that this might be an issue that I’m stuck on. But this is a bit of unfamiliar territory for me, so I’m hoping there’s something I’ve missed!

If not, then gitStack users, ye be warned.

We only officially support ssh for git right now, only other option is for https with username/pass in the url which may or may not work depending on their setup, but I haven’t tried it out myself. Maybe you can report use your findings?