Unity Cloud Build Not Respecting Scripting Define Symbols for asmdef Constraints

It seems like when I define Scripting Define Symbols as for a certain build type in Unity Cloud Build, the code properly recognizes the symbol, but the asmdefs do not resolve properly when the constraint is listed for them. Is this a known issue or did I configure something incorrectly?

Hello did you ever resolve this?

We are running into something similar. We had a compile error in our cloud build, but the compile error should have been impossible to encounter:
Note how the code is compiled with the UNITY_EDITOR_LINUX define, and we get a compile error.

And here is the code in question:

Which makes no sense - Line 20 should not be compiled. Since we are compiling with ‘UNITY_EDITOR_LINUX’ defined, it should have compiled line 18, not 20. There is a ‘;’ missing on line 20, but that shouldn’t have been encountered.

I am seeing something very similar, as reported here…

I’d say this is a pretty big issue. Yet a week after reporting it, nobody from Unity has bothered to even acknowledge it. Very frustrating.