Unity Cloud Build: Using git branches in Source Tree

I’ve used Git + BitBucket + Source Tree with Unity for quite some time and I really like it!

I’m trying out Unity Cloud Build. It works fine as long as I’m only using the master branch.

However I really want to try out having a separate branch for cloud builds, so I (and my teammembers) don’t build every time we commit. But I don’t know that much about branching.

I’ve tried to setup a branch in Source Tree, like this:

In the web interface of Unity Cloud Build, I have changed the branch: Source Control → Branch: UnityCloudBuild

But the Unity-Cloud-Build-bot doesn’t seem to notice it, when I try to push to both the master branch and the UnityCloudBuild branch like this:

Am I doing something wrong branch-wise in Source Tree? Or what exact steps do I have to do from Source Tree, to push to the UnityCloudBuild branch, so that Unity-Cloud-Build-bot registres it?

Any help and resources are most welcome! Thanx in advance!

Here is how I got it working:

  1. Commit and push all changes in the master branch
  2. Change branch to UnityCloudBuild branch by double-clicking it in the left-site panel (so UnityCloudBuild turns bold)
  3. Click the Merge-button in the top menu
  4. Select the upmost commit (so the line turns blue) and press the OK-button in the bottom
  5. Push the changes (that is, click the Push-button in the top menu, and OK in the following dialogue box)
  6. Change branch back to master branch by double-clicking it in the left-site panel (so master turns bold again)
  7. Make a cup of coffee and enjoy the fresh cloud build of your fantastic game!