I have both player and ground with colliders 2D and player is supposed to stop on top of ground but instead it stops at the bottom of the ground.
*using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class PlayerController : MonoBehaviour
public float moveSpeed;
private float moveSpeedStore;
public float speedMultiplier;
public float speedIncreateMilestone;
private float speedIncreateMilestoneStore;
private float speedMilestoneCount;
private float speedMilestoneCountStore;
public float jumpForce;
public float jumpTime;
private float jumpTimeCounter;
private bool stoppedJumping;
private bool canDoubleJump;
private Rigidbody2D myRigidbody;
public bool grounded;
public LayerMask whatIsGround;
public Transform groundCheck;
public float groundCheckRadius;
// private Collider2D myCollider;
private Animator myAnimator;
public GameManager theGameManager;
public AudioSource jumpSound;
public AudioSource deathSound;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
myRigidbody = GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>();
myAnimator = GetComponent<Animator>();
jumpTimeCounter = jumpTime;
speedMilestoneCount = speedIncreateMilestone;
moveSpeedStore = moveSpeed;
speedMilestoneCountStore = speedMilestoneCount;
speedIncreateMilestoneStore = speedIncreateMilestone;
stoppedJumping = true;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
grounded = Physics2D.OverlapCircle(groundCheck.position, groundCheckRadius, whatIsGround);
if(transform.position.x > speedMilestoneCount)
speedMilestoneCount += speedIncreateMilestone;
speedIncreateMilestone = speedIncreateMilestone * speedMultiplier;
moveSpeed = moveSpeed * speedMultiplier;
myRigidbody.velocity = new Vector2(moveSpeed, myRigidbody.velocity.y);
if(Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space) || Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) )
myRigidbody.velocity = new Vector2(myRigidbody.velocity.x, jumpForce);
stoppedJumping = false;
if(!grounded && canDoubleJump)
myRigidbody.velocity = new Vector2(myRigidbody.velocity.x, jumpForce);
jumpTimeCounter = jumpTime;
stoppedJumping = false;
canDoubleJump = false;
if((Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Space) || Input.GetMouseButton(0)) && !stoppedJumping)
if(jumpTimeCounter > 0)
myRigidbody.velocity = new Vector2(myRigidbody.velocity.x, jumpForce);
jumpTimeCounter -= Time.deltaTime;
if(Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Space) || Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0))
jumpTimeCounter = 0;
stoppedJumping = true;
jumpTimeCounter = jumpTime;
canDoubleJump = true;
myAnimator.SetFloat("Speed", myRigidbody.velocity.x);
myAnimator.SetBool("Grounded", grounded);
void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D other) {
if(other.gameObject.tag == "killbox")
moveSpeed = moveSpeedStore;
speedMilestoneCount = speedMilestoneCountStore;
speedIncreateMilestone = speedIncreateMilestoneStore;
Player settings
What should I do to hold my player on top of ground?