Unity coming to you on faster tubes

Everyone knows the internet is made up of a series of tubes. Since Unity has such a strong internet component in the webplayer, nothing but the fastest of all tubes are acceptable to deliver Unity webplayers to you and your players.

To harness the power of these tubes, Unity Tech has begun working with a content delivery service called Akamai. Akamai provides server mirrors with fast connections around the world in order to make sure your downloads are as speedy as possible. They do this for lots of big, well-known companies that you can see on their web site: http://www.akamai.com/html/customers/index.html

Because this download service affects users globally, we’d like everyone to help us make sure there are no kinks in the system. If you can spare a moment, we have two tests for you to run.

Test #1: Download the Unity 2.5.0 webplayer installer through Akamai:

Test #2: Auto-update from 2.1.0 to 2.5.0 using Akamai


  1. Download the 2.1.0 webplayer (not using the Akamai service)
  1. Install the 2.1.0 webplayer
  2. Restart your browser
  3. Visit this url to auto-update using Akamai: http://beta.unity3d.com/AkamaiTest/

Both test #1 and #2 should be blazing fast. If you can, please post your location and average download speed, we’d greatly appreciate it!

Blazing fast, indeed:
< 1s for both tests in Bloomington, IN, USA (vs. about a minute for the non-Akamai 2.1.0 dl).

Wow, that was seriously fast!

Very very fast, it opened, I blinked it was done. Less then 1 sec from Leesburg VA.

30 secs in NZ, stll super fast, about 450kb/s


the files are too small to test it usefully on my 20mbit connection here from switzerland, can’t get above 800kb/s as even the webplayer exe is that small that its done before the “connection warmup” has been gone through ^^

Definitely an interesting platform to know off :slight_smile:

Seemed to max out at around 250 KB/s, which on my 2Mb/s service means it was pretty well 100% saturated.

My location is Cebu, Philippines.