Unity Coroutine problem

Good morning fellows members of the Unity community:
I am having a problem with CORoutines in my C# script. In my script, I wrote down this script as my coroutine method:

IEnumerator ShootMethod(float bulletspersecond) 
yield return new WaitForSeconds(bulletspersecond); 	
isShooting = false; 	

And this script I use as the Coroutine starter:

	if(ShootingScript.belt[0].GetSetGameObject.active == true && isShooting == false && Input.GetMouseButton(0))
		isShooting = true;

But when I execute the program it doesn’t print on the console “Shot” as you can see there on the first script.

Here it is the full script (if you guys need):

public class ShootingScript : MonoBehaviour 
	bool isShooting;
	public AudioSource coltShot;
	public AudioSource ak47Shot;
	public AudioSource m16Shot;
	public AudioSource coltReload;
	public AudioSource ak47Reload;
	public AudioSource m16Reload;
    public GameObject coltModel;
	public GameObject ak47Model;
	public GameObject m16Model;
	static public Weapon[] belt = new Weapon[3] {new Weapon(), new Weapon(), new Weapon()};
	IEnumerator ShootMethod(float bulletspersecond)
		yield return new WaitForSeconds(bulletspersecond);
		isShooting = false;
	// Use this for initialization
	void Start () 
		//Setting the Weapon Specs
		//Colt .45
		ShootingScript.belt[0].SetGetName = "M1911";
		ShootingScript.belt[0].SetShootingAudio = coltShot;
		ShootingScript.belt[0].SetReloadingAudio = coltReload;
		ShootingScript.belt[0].SetRetMaxAmmo = 7;
		ShootingScript.belt[0].GetSetGameObject = coltModel;
		ShootingScript.belt[0].GetSetSeconds = 2f;
		ShootingScript.belt[0].GetSetGameObject.active = false;
		ShootingScript.belt[1].SetGetName = "Avtomat Kalashnikova 1947";
		ShootingScript.belt[1].SetShootingAudio = ak47Shot;
		ShootingScript.belt[1].SetReloadingAudio = ak47Reload;
		ShootingScript.belt[1].SetRetMaxAmmo = 40;
		ShootingScript.belt[1].GetSetGameObject = ak47Model;
		ShootingScript.belt[1].GetSetSeconds = 0.1f;
		ShootingScript.belt[1].GetSetGameObject.active = false;
		ShootingScript.belt[2].SetGetName = "M16 Rifle";
		ShootingScript.belt[2].SetShootingAudio = m16Shot;
		ShootingScript.belt[2].SetReloadingAudio = m16Reload;
		ShootingScript.belt[2].SetRetMaxAmmo = 60;
		ShootingScript.belt[2].GetSetGameObject = m16Model;
		ShootingScript.belt[2].GetSetSeconds = 0.5f;
		ShootingScript.belt[2].GetSetGameObject.active = false;
		ShootingScript.belt[0].SetGetHasIt = true;
		ShootingScript.belt[1].SetGetHasIt = true;
		ShootingScript.belt[2].SetGetHasIt = true;
	// Update is called once per frame
	void Update () 
		//Changing weapons
		if(Input.GetButton("Handgun") && ShootingScript.belt[0].SetGetHasIt == true && ShootingScript.belt[0].GetSetActivated == false)
			ShootingScript.belt[0].GetSetActivated = true;
			ShootingScript.belt[1].GetSetActivated = false;
			ShootingScript.belt[2].GetSetActivated = false;
		else if(Input.GetButton("Machinegun") && ShootingScript.belt[1].SetGetHasIt == true && ShootingScript.belt[1].GetSetActivated == false)
			ShootingScript.belt[0].GetSetActivated = false;
			ShootingScript.belt[1].GetSetActivated = true;
			ShootingScript.belt[2].GetSetActivated = false;
		else if(Input.GetButton("Submachinegun") && ShootingScript.belt[2].SetGetHasIt == true && ShootingScript.belt[2].GetSetActivated == false)
			ShootingScript.belt[0].GetSetActivated = false;
			ShootingScript.belt[1].GetSetActivated = false;
			ShootingScript.belt[2].GetSetActivated = true;
		if(ShootingScript.belt[0].GetSetActivated == true)
			transform.localPosition = new Vector3(transform.localPosition.x, transform.localPosition.y, 6.8f);
			ShootingScript.belt[0].GetSetGameObject.active = true;
			ShootingScript.belt[1].GetSetGameObject.active = false;
			ShootingScript.belt[2].GetSetGameObject.active = false;
		else if (ShootingScript.belt[1].GetSetActivated == true)
			transform.localPosition = new Vector3(transform.localPosition.x, transform.localPosition.y, 10.3f);
			ShootingScript.belt[0].GetSetGameObject.active = false;
			ShootingScript.belt[1].GetSetGameObject.active = true;
			ShootingScript.belt[2].GetSetGameObject.active = false;
		else if(ShootingScript.belt[2].GetSetActivated == true)
			transform.localPosition = new Vector3(transform.localPosition.x, transform.localPosition.y, 10.3f);
			ShootingScript.belt[0].GetSetGameObject.active = false;
			ShootingScript.belt[1].GetSetGameObject.active = false;
			ShootingScript.belt[2].GetSetGameObject.active = true;
		//Shooting Scripting itself
		if(ShootingScript.belt[0].GetSetGameObject.active == true && isShooting == false && Input.GetMouseButton(0))
			isShooting = true;

Hope I made myself clear
Another fellow member of the Unity Community.

Ps.: While running the script, Unity doesn’t show any errors or warnings.
PsPs.: Sorry for my bad english.

Apparently, your code should work - but the value you’re passing as bulletspersecond is actually “seconds per bullet”: it’s being passed to the delay routine, thus the value 2 means 2 seconds between shots, no 2 shots per second. Additionally, you don’t need to stop the coroutine - it simply ends at the last closing bracket (I’m not sure, but suspect that using StopCoroutine to stop itself may even cause an error). Remove that StopCoroutine and try again - by the way, @liszto is right: you can only stop a coroutine when it was started with StartCoroutine(“name”), and all coroutines with the same name will be stopped.