Unity crash on loading a scene (ParticleSystemParticles::array_reserve)


We’ve been experiencing a crash that appears on loading a new level. It is not 100%, but after some amount of loading it occurs (it could be 1 load, could be 5).

Looks like it somehow related to the particle systems every time.

In the .log file it simply outputs:

But sometimes it writes a stacktrace. Sometimes we can take a stacktrace from the crashdump file. Here are 3 different stacktraces, but all they have in common this line:

Here are some crash stacktraces:

PS: Our temporary solution is – we’re disabling all particles on all scenes and enable them manually after the scene is loaded. Magically, that solves the crashes.

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what unity version?


Are you able to submit a bug report, with a reproduction project?
We’ve not seen any other reports of this (yet)

No, sorry. That happens on our very big project and stripping it down to a minimal reproduction project will be too much work.

Also, the bug still reproduces on 2022.2.5, but with less chance (or we need to reload a level more times to get the crash). But it is still there, so that’s not something new for ver .10

Ok thanks for the info!

same bug

#0    0x0000000104907c74 in MemoryManager::ReallocateFallbackToAllocateDeallocate(void*, unsigned long, unsigned long, MemLabelId, AllocateOptions, char const*, int) ()
#1    0x0000000104907c70 in MemoryManager::ReallocateFallbackToAllocateDeallocate(void*, unsigned long, unsigned long, MemLabelId, AllocateOptions, char const*, int) ()
#2    0x0000000104a677fc in reallocate ()
#3    0x0000000104a677fc in dynamic_array_detail::dynamic_array_data::reserve(unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long) ()
#4    0x0000000104f07464 in reserve ()
#5    0x0000000104f07464 in ParticleSystemParticles::array_reserve(unsigned long) ()
#6    0x0000000104f048b4 in ReserveParticleMemory ()
#7    0x0000000104f048b4 in ParticleSystem::Play(bool) ()
#8    0x0000000104f0635c in ParticleSystem::AwakeFromLoad(AwakeFromLoadMode) ()
#9    0x0000000104b28d10 in AwakeFromLoadQueue::InvokeAwakeFromLoad(AwakeFromLoadQueue::Item*, unsigned int, AwakeFromLoadMode) ()
#10    0x0000000104b28bd8 in AwakeFromLoadQueue::AwakeFromLoadAllQueues(AwakeFromLoadMode, bool) ()
#11    0x0000000104932348 in AwakeFromLoad ()
#12    0x0000000104932348 in AwakeAndActivateClonedObjects(Object**, vector_map<int, int, std::__1::less<int>, stl_allocator<std::__1::pair<int, int>, (MemLabelIdentifier)1, 16> > const&) ()
#13    0x0000000104932f18 in InstantiateObject(Object&, Vector3f const&, Quaternionf const&) ()
#14    0x00000001048c0de4 in Object_CUSTOM_Internal_InstantiateSingle_Injected(ScriptingBackendNativeObjectPtrOpaque*, Vector3f const&, Quaternionf const&) ()
#15    0x0000000106ff0280 in


We are getting this one too. Unity 2022.3.15f1

I think it might be fixed for me after duplicating the particle system that was causing the issue. Then deleting the original. Potentially a corrupt game object? Looking more into it now.