Unity crashes at splash screen on project open

This was happening on all versions of unity so I uninstalled all of my unity versions and unity hub and then reinstalled Unity Hub and Unity 2019.2.15f. When I attempt to open a project the splash screen loads and a few seconds later closes and the editor never launches.

I am able to create a new project with no issues. Both try to connect UPM. Project creation seems to connect successfully, while loading a project seems to fail to connect.

I have include logs from both The editor and UPM for successful project create and a failed project load of the same created project.

UPM log

{"level":"info","message":"Starting Server","timestamp":"2019-12-10T02:00:20.666Z"}
{"level":"info","message":"Server started on port [60404]","timestamp":"2019-12-10T02:00:20.671Z"}
{"level":"info","message":"Health Request received","timestamp":"2019-12-10T02:00:20.745Z"}
{"level":"error","message":"[Unity Package Manager (Upm)]\nParent process [21492] was terminated","timestamp":"2019-12-10T02:00:30.677Z"}

Failure log

Initiating legacy licensing module

LICENSE SYSTEM [2019129 20:47:3] Next license update check is after 2019-12-11T00:23:56

Built from '2019.2/staging' branch; Version is '2019.2.15f1 (dcb72c2e9334) revision 14464812'; Using compiler version '191627012'
OS: 'Windows 10  (10.0.0) 64bit' Language: 'en' Physical Memory: 32602 MB
BatchMode: 0, IsHumanControllingUs: 1, StartBugReporterOnCrash: 1, Is64bit: 1, IsPro: 0
[Package Manager] Server::Start -- Port 54190 was selected

C:\Users\Ken\Documents\New Unity Project (1)
Exiting without the bug reporter. Application will terminate with return code 0

UPM log from project creation

{"level":"info","message":"Starting Server","timestamp":"2019-12-10T02:01:59.509Z"}
{"level":"info","message":"Server started on port [55066]","timestamp":"2019-12-10T02:01:59.514Z"}
{"level":"info","message":"Health Request received","timestamp":"2019-12-10T02:01:59.555Z"}

Log from project creation

Initiating legacy licensing module

LICENSE SYSTEM [2019129 20:46:12] Next license update check is after 2019-12-11T00:23:56

Built from '2019.2/staging' branch; Version is '2019.2.15f1 (dcb72c2e9334) revision 14464812'; Using compiler version '191627012'
OS: 'Windows 10  (10.0.0) 64bit' Language: 'en' Physical Memory: 32602 MB
BatchMode: 0, IsHumanControllingUs: 1, StartBugReporterOnCrash: 1, Is64bit: 1, IsPro: 0
[Package Manager] Server::Start -- Port 57414 was selected

C:\Users\Ken\Documents\New Unity Project (1)
C:/Users/Ken/Documents/New Unity Project (1)
Using Asset Import Pipeline V1.
Loading GUID <-> Path mappings...0.000071 seconds
Loading Asset Database...0.009179 seconds
AssetDatabase consistency checks...0.020784 seconds
[Package Manager] Done resolving packages in 2.93s seconds
[Package Manager]
Registered 40 packages:
  Packages from [https://packages.unity.com]:
    com.unity.collab-proxy@1.2.16 (location: C:\Users\Ken\Documents\New Unity Project (1)\Library\PackageCache\com.unity.collab-proxy@1.2.16)
    com.unity.ext.nunit@1.0.0 (location: C:\Users\Ken\Documents\New Unity Project (1)\Library\PackageCache\com.unity.ext.nunit@1.0.0)
    com.unity.ide.rider@1.1.0 (location: C:\Users\Ken\Documents\New Unity Project (1)\Library\PackageCache\com.unity.ide.rider@1.1.0)
    com.unity.ide.vscode@1.1.3 (location: C:\Users\Ken\Documents\New Unity Project (1)\Library\PackageCache\com.unity.ide.vscode@1.1.3)
    com.unity.test-framework@1.0.13 (location: C:\Users\Ken\Documents\New Unity Project (1)\Library\PackageCache\com.unity.test-framework@1.0.13)
    com.unity.textmeshpro@2.0.1 (location: C:\Users\Ken\Documents\New Unity Project (1)\Library\PackageCache\com.unity.textmeshpro@2.0.1)
  Built-in packages:
    com.unity.package-manager-ui@2.2.0 (location: D:\Unity\2019.2.15f1\Editor\Data\Resources\PackageManager\BuiltInPackages\com.unity.package-manager-ui)
    com.unity.timeline@1.1.0 (location: D:\Unity\2019.2.15f1\Editor\Data\Resources\PackageManager\BuiltInPackages\com.unity.timeline)
    com.unity.ugui@1.0.0 (location: D:\Unity\2019.2.15f1\Editor\Data\Resources\PackageManager\BuiltInPackages\com.unity.ugui)
    com.unity.modules.ai@1.0.0 (location: D:\Unity\2019.2.15f1\Editor\Data\Resources\PackageManager\BuiltInPackages\com.unity.modules.ai)
    com.unity.modules.androidjni@1.0.0 (location: D:\Unity\2019.2.15f1\Editor\Data\Resources\PackageManager\BuiltInPackages\com.unity.modules.androidjni)
    com.unity.modules.animation@1.0.0 (location: D:\Unity\2019.2.15f1\Editor\Data\Resources\PackageManager\BuiltInPackages\com.unity.modules.animation)
    com.unity.modules.assetbundle@1.0.0 (location: D:\Unity\2019.2.15f1\Editor\Data\Resources\PackageManager\BuiltInPackages\com.unity.modules.assetbundle)
    com.unity.modules.audio@1.0.0 (location: D:\Unity\2019.2.15f1\Editor\Data\Resources\PackageManager\BuiltInPackages\com.unity.modules.audio)
    com.unity.modules.cloth@1.0.0 (location: D:\Unity\2019.2.15f1\Editor\Data\Resources\PackageManager\BuiltInPackages\com.unity.modules.cloth)
    com.unity.modules.director@1.0.0 (location: D:\Unity\2019.2.15f1\Editor\Data\Resources\PackageManager\BuiltInPackages\com.unity.modules.director)
    com.unity.modules.imageconversion@1.0.0 (location: D:\Unity\2019.2.15f1\Editor\Data\Resources\PackageManager\BuiltInPackages\com.unity.modules.imageconversion)
    com.unity.modules.imgui@1.0.0 (location: D:\Unity\2019.2.15f1\Editor\Data\Resources\PackageManager\BuiltInPackages\com.unity.modules.imgui)
    com.unity.modules.jsonserialize@1.0.0 (location: D:\Unity\2019.2.15f1\Editor\Data\Resources\PackageManager\BuiltInPackages\com.unity.modules.jsonserialize)
    com.unity.modules.particlesystem@1.0.0 (location: D:\Unity\2019.2.15f1\Editor\Data\Resources\PackageManager\BuiltInPackages\com.unity.modules.particlesystem)
    com.unity.modules.physics@1.0.0 (location: D:\Unity\2019.2.15f1\Editor\Data\Resources\PackageManager\BuiltInPackages\com.unity.modules.physics)
    com.unity.modules.physics2d@1.0.0 (location: D:\Unity\2019.2.15f1\Editor\Data\Resources\PackageManager\BuiltInPackages\com.unity.modules.physics2d)
    com.unity.modules.screencapture@1.0.0 (location: D:\Unity\2019.2.15f1\Editor\Data\Resources\PackageManager\BuiltInPackages\com.unity.modules.screencapture)
    com.unity.modules.terrain@1.0.0 (location: D:\Unity\2019.2.15f1\Editor\Data\Resources\PackageManager\BuiltInPackages\com.unity.modules.terrain)
    com.unity.modules.terrainphysics@1.0.0 (location: D:\Unity\2019.2.15f1\Editor\Data\Resources\PackageManager\BuiltInPackages\com.unity.modules.terrainphysics)
    com.unity.modules.tilemap@1.0.0 (location: D:\Unity\2019.2.15f1\Editor\Data\Resources\PackageManager\BuiltInPackages\com.unity.modules.tilemap)
    com.unity.modules.ui@1.0.0 (location: D:\Unity\2019.2.15f1\Editor\Data\Resources\PackageManager\BuiltInPackages\com.unity.modules.ui)
    com.unity.modules.uielements@1.0.0 (location: D:\Unity\2019.2.15f1\Editor\Data\Resources\PackageManager\BuiltInPackages\com.unity.modules.uielements)
    com.unity.modules.umbra@1.0.0 (location: D:\Unity\2019.2.15f1\Editor\Data\Resources\PackageManager\BuiltInPackages\com.unity.modules.umbra)
    com.unity.modules.unityanalytics@1.0.0 (location: D:\Unity\2019.2.15f1\Editor\Data\Resources\PackageManager\BuiltInPackages\com.unity.modules.unityanalytics)
    com.unity.modules.unitywebrequest@1.0.0 (location: D:\Unity\2019.2.15f1\Editor\Data\Resources\PackageManager\BuiltInPackages\com.unity.modules.unitywebrequest)
    com.unity.modules.unitywebrequestassetbundle@1.0.0 (location: D:\Unity\2019.2.15f1\Editor\Data\Resources\PackageManager\BuiltInPackages\com.unity.modules.unitywebrequestassetbundle)
    com.unity.modules.unitywebrequestaudio@1.0.0 (location: D:\Unity\2019.2.15f1\Editor\Data\Resources\PackageManager\BuiltInPackages\com.unity.modules.unitywebrequestaudio)
    com.unity.modules.unitywebrequesttexture@1.0.0 (location: D:\Unity\2019.2.15f1\Editor\Data\Resources\PackageManager\BuiltInPackages\com.unity.modules.unitywebrequesttexture)
    com.unity.modules.unitywebrequestwww@1.0.0 (location: D:\Unity\2019.2.15f1\Editor\Data\Resources\PackageManager\BuiltInPackages\com.unity.modules.unitywebrequestwww)
    com.unity.modules.vehicles@1.0.0 (location: D:\Unity\2019.2.15f1\Editor\Data\Resources\PackageManager\BuiltInPackages\com.unity.modules.vehicles)
    com.unity.modules.video@1.0.0 (location: D:\Unity\2019.2.15f1\Editor\Data\Resources\PackageManager\BuiltInPackages\com.unity.modules.video)
    com.unity.modules.vr@1.0.0 (location: D:\Unity\2019.2.15f1\Editor\Data\Resources\PackageManager\BuiltInPackages\com.unity.modules.vr)
    com.unity.modules.wind@1.0.0 (location: D:\Unity\2019.2.15f1\Editor\Data\Resources\PackageManager\BuiltInPackages\com.unity.modules.wind)
    com.unity.modules.xr@1.0.0 (location: D:\Unity\2019.2.15f1\Editor\Data\Resources\PackageManager\BuiltInPackages\com.unity.modules.xr)

[XR] No new subsystems found in resolved package list.
[Package Manager] Done registering packages in 0.01s seconds
Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 4.38 ms, found 0 plugins.
Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
IsTimeToCheckForNewEditor: Update time 1575942202 current 1575942380
Initialize engine version: 2019.2.15f1 (dcb72c2e9334)
[XR] Discovering subsystems at path D:/Unity/2019.2.15f1/Editor/Data/Resources/UnitySubsystems
[XR] Discovering subsystems at path C:/Users/Ken/Documents/New Unity Project (1)/Assets
GfxDevice: creating device client; threaded=1
    Version:  Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1]
    Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (ID=0x1b81)
    VRAM:     8088 MB
[EnlightenBakeManager] m_Clear = false;
Initialize mono
Mono path[0] = 'D:/Unity/2019.2.15f1/Editor/Data/Managed'
Mono path[1] = 'D:/Unity/2019.2.15f1/Editor/Data/MonoBleedingEdge/lib/mono/unityjit'
Mono config path = 'D:/Unity/2019.2.15f1/Editor/Data/MonoBleedingEdge/etc'
Using monoOptions --debugger-agent=transport=dt_socket,embedding=1,server=y,suspend=n,address=
Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
Registering precompiled unity dll's ...
Register platform support module: D:/Unity/2019.2.15f1/Editor/Data/PlaybackEngines/WindowsStandaloneSupport/UnityEditor.WindowsStandalone.Extensions.dll
Registered in 0.001217 seconds.
Native extension for WindowsStandalone target not found
Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.12 ms, found 0 plugins.
Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
Mono: successfully reloaded assembly
- Completed reload, in  1.236 seconds
Registering precompiled user dll's ...
Registered in 0.047669 seconds.
Platform modules already initialized, skipping
Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
Symbol file LoadedFromMemory doesn't match image C:\Users\Ken\Documents\New Unity Project (1)\Library\PackageCache\com.unity.ext.nunit@1.0.0\net35\unity-custom\nunit.framework.dll
Native extension for WindowsStandalone target not found
Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.12 ms, found 0 plugins.
Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
Mono: successfully reloaded assembly
- Completed reload, in  1.116 seconds
Platform modules already initialized, skipping
Validating Project structure ... 0.000183 seconds.
Refresh: detecting if any assets need to be imported or removed ...
Unloading 957 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
System memory in use before: 58.6 MB.
System memory in use after: 58.5 MB.

Unloading 68 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1284.
Total: 1.390200 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.258800 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.023800 ms MarkObjects: 1.050000 ms  DeleteObjects: 0.057300 ms)

Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.11 ms, found 0 plugins.
Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
Refresh: detecting if any assets need to be imported or removed ...
Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.11 ms, found 0 plugins.
Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.04 ms, found 0 plugins.
Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.

Refresh Completed time: 0.172329s
    Asset Scan time: 0.027291s
    Asset Hashing: 0.000000s [0 B, 0.000000 mb/s]
    Asset Import (Scripting) time: 0.000000s (count: 0)
    Post Processs Assets (Scripting) time: 0.000000s
    Asset Rehashing: 0.000000s [0 B, 0.000000 mb/s]
    Asset Import (Non Scripting) time: 0.000000s (count: 0)
    Post Process Assets (Non Scripting) time: 0.000000s
    Dependent Assets to Import Queue time: 0.000000s

Launched and connected shader compiler UnityShaderCompiler.exe after 0.06 seconds
Warming cache for 1219 main assets: 0.001373 seconds elapsed
Initializing Unity extensions:
 'D:/Unity/2019.2.15f1/Editor/Data/UnityExtensions/Unity/UnityVR/Editor/UnityEditor.VR.dll'  GUID: 4ba2329b63d54f0187bcaa12486b1b0f
Opening scene 'Assets/Scenes/SampleScene.unity'
Unloading 51 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
Loaded scene 'Assets/Scenes/SampleScene.unity'
    Deserialize:            1.472 ms
    Integration:            9.265 ms
    Integration of assets:  0.002 ms
    Thread Wait Time:       17.697 ms
    Total Operation Time:   28.436 ms
System memory in use before: 40.0 MB.
System memory in use after: 40.1 MB.

Unloading 54 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1317.
Total: 1.556200 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.298300 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.025000 ms MarkObjects: 1.184600 ms  DeleteObjects: 0.048000 ms)

<RI> Initialized touch support.

<RI> Initialized touch support.

<RI> Initialized touch support.

<RI> Initialized touch support.

<RI> Initialized touch support.

<RI> Initialized touch support.

<RI> Initializing input.

<RI> Input initialized.

[Project] Loading completed in 16.086 seconds ( ** New project created with template 'D:\Unity\2019.2.15f1\Editor\Data\Resources\PackageManager\ProjectTemplates\com.unity.template.3d-3.1.4.tgz' ** )
    Project init time:                 15.640 seconds
        Template init time:         3.054 seconds
        Services packages init time:     0.919 seconds
        Package Manager init time:         0.208 seconds
        Asset Database init time:         3.331 seconds
        Global illumination init time:     0.363 seconds
        Assemblies load time:             6.701 seconds
        Unity extensions init time:     0.000 seconds
        Asset Database refresh time:     0.172 seconds
    Scene opening time:             0.376 seconds
Launched and connected shader compiler UnityShaderCompiler.exe after 0.08 seconds
EditorUpdateCheck: Response {"updateinterval":3600} updateurl =  interval = 3600
Launched and connected shader compiler UnityShaderCompiler.exe after 0.05 seconds
Created GICache directory at C:/Users/Ken/AppData/LocalLow/Unity/Caches/GiCache. Took: 0.033s, timestamps: [16.704 - 16.737]
[00:00:01] Enlighten: Precompute started.
TrimDiskCacheJob: Current cache size 4674mb
[00:00:01] Enlighten: Finished 1 Layout Systems job (0.00s execute, 0.00s integrate, 0.05s wallclock)
[00:00:01] Enlighten: Finished 1 Tetrahedralize Probes job (0.00s execute, 0.00s integrate, 0.05s wallclock)
[00:00:01] Enlighten: Precompute took 0.108633 seconds.
Enlighten scene contents:   0 geometries.   0 instances.   0 systems.   0 probe groups.   0 cube maps. Scene is up-to-date.
[00:00:01] Enlighten: Bake started.
Setting up 6 worker threads for Enlighten.
  Thread -> id: 4d78 -> priority: 1
  Thread -> id: 1b4c -> priority: 1
  Thread -> id: c78 -> priority: 1
  Thread -> id: 52a8 -> priority: 1
  Thread -> id: d2c -> priority: 1
  Thread -> id: 4dfc -> priority: 1
[00:00:01] Enlighten: Finished 1 Create Input Lighting job (0.00s execute, 0.00s integrate, 0.05s wallclock)
[00:00:01] Enlighten: Finished 1 Bake Runtime job (0.11s execute, 0.00s integrate, 0.11s wallclock)
[Optix] Number of Devices = 1
[Optix] context is using local device 0: GeForce GTX 1070 - 8192MB VRAM (available: 6657MB)
[Optix] successfully set up context.
[Optix] removing context.
[00:00:01] Enlighten: Bake took 0.578095 seconds.
[PathTracer] building lightmap data asset.
[PathTracer] Total bake time: 0.052558, raw bake time: 0.000000
UPID request failed, Reason: The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found (404).
Unknown Unity Connect error (400). Please contact support at support@unity.com while processing request "https://core.cloud.unity3d.com/api/orgs/undefined/projects", HTTP error code 404
.gi::BakeBackendSwitch: Clear() active clients.
[EnlightenBakeManager] m_Clear = false;
[PathTracer] building lightmap data asset.
[PathTracer] Total bake time: 0.058204, raw bake time: 0.000000
gi::BakeBackendSwitch: switching bake backend from 3 to 1.
[00:00:02] Enlighten: Bake started.
[00:00:02] Enlighten: Finished 1 Create Input Lighting job (0.00s execute, 0.00s integrate, 0.05s wallclock)
[00:00:02] Enlighten: Finished 1 Bake Runtime job (0.08s execute, 0.00s integrate, 0.10s wallclock)
[00:00:02] Enlighten: Bake took 0.155812 seconds.
[PathTracer] building lightmap data asset.
[00:00:03] Enlighten: Reflection Probes started.
[00:00:03] Enlighten: Finished 1 Bake Ambient Probe job (0.00s execute, 0.00s integrate, 0.05s wallclock)
[00:00:03] Enlighten: Finished 1 Reflection System job (0.00s execute, 0.00s integrate, 0.05s wallclock)
[00:00:03] Enlighten: LightingDataAsset started.
> Collecting Enlighten data
Refresh: detecting if any assets need to be imported or removed ...
Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.45 ms, found 0 plugins.
Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.13 ms, found 0 plugins.
Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.

Refresh Completed time: 0.174102s
    Asset Scan time: 0.058824s
    Asset Hashing: 0.000000s [0 B, 0.000000 mb/s]
    Asset Import (Scripting) time: 0.000000s (count: 0)
    Post Processs Assets (Scripting) time: 0.000000s
    Asset Rehashing: 0.000000s [0 B, 0.000000 mb/s]
    Asset Import (Non Scripting) time: 0.000000s (count: 0)
    Post Process Assets (Non Scripting) time: 0.000000s
    Dependent Assets to Import Queue time: 0.000000s

[Performance] Application.InitializeProject                                         :        1 samples, Peak.  15.6 s (1.0x), Avg.  15.6 s, Total. 15.64 s (43.0%)
[Performance] Application.PackageManager.StartServer                                :        1 samples, Peak.  6.01 ms (1.0x), Avg.  6.01 ms, Total. 6.007 ms (0.0%)
[Performance] Application.AcquireProjectLock                                        :        1 samples, Peak.  9.72 ms (1.0x), Avg.  9.72 ms, Total. 9.722 ms (0.0%)
[Performance] Application.InitializeEngineNoGraphics                                :        1 samples, Peak.  16.4 ms (1.0x), Avg.  16.4 ms, Total. 16.42 ms (0.0%)
[Performance] Application.PackageManager.Initialize                                 :        1 samples, Peak.   208 ms (1.0x), Avg.   208 ms, Total. 208.3 ms (0.6%)
[Performance] CurlRequestCheck                                                      :        1 samples, Peak.  14.2 ms (1.0x), Avg.  14.2 ms, Total. 14.21 ms (0.0%)
[Performance] PackageManager::RunRequestSynchronously                               :       61 samples, Peak.  14.0 ms (6.1x), Avg.  2.31 ms, Total. 140.7 ms (0.4%)
[Performance] Application.EngineGraphics.Initialize                                 :        1 samples, Peak.   110 ms (1.0x), Avg.   110 ms, Total. 109.9 ms (0.3%)
[Performance] Application.GI.Initialize                                             :        1 samples, Peak.   363 ms (1.0x), Avg.   363 ms, Total. 363.2 ms (1.0%)
[Performance] Application.LoadAllDefaultResourcesFromEditor                         :        1 samples, Peak.  2.61 ms (1.0x), Avg.  2.61 ms, Total. 2.609 ms (0.0%)
[Performance] Application.LoadMonoAssembliesAndRecompileIfNecessary                 :        1 samples, Peak.  6.70 s (1.0x), Avg.  6.70 s, Total. 6.701 s (18.4%)
[Performance] Application.ReadLicenseInfo                                           :        1 samples, Peak.   272 us (1.0x), Avg.   272 us, Total. 272.2 us (0.0%)
[Performance] Application.AssetDatabase.Refresh                                     :        1 samples, Peak.   172 ms (1.0x), Avg.   172 ms, Total. 172.4 ms (0.5%)
[Performance] Application.OnUsbDevicesChanged                                       :        1 samples, Peak.  3.88 ms (1.0x), Avg.  3.88 ms, Total. 3.877 ms (0.0%)
[Performance] Application.AssetInstanceCacheUpdate                                  :        1 samples, Peak.  1.42 ms (1.0x), Avg.  1.42 ms, Total. 1.422 ms (0.0%)
[Performance] Application.UnityExtensions.Initialize                                :        1 samples, Peak.   499 us (1.0x), Avg.   499 us, Total. 499.2 us (0.0%)
[Performance] Application.InitializeManagedCompilationPipeline                      :        1 samples, Peak.  25.1 ms (1.0x), Avg.  25.1 ms, Total. 25.08 ms (0.1%)
[Performance] Application.ExecuteStartups                                           :        1 samples, Peak.  57.9 ms (1.0x), Avg.  57.9 ms, Total. 57.93 ms (0.2%)
[Performance] Application.editorInitializingProject                                 :        1 samples, Peak.  72.7 ms (1.0x), Avg.  72.7 ms, Total. 72.72 ms (0.2%)
[Performance] Application.WriteEditorInstanceJsonFile                               :        1 samples, Peak.  4.26 ms (1.0x), Avg.  4.26 ms, Total. 4.260 ms (0.0%)
[Performance] Application.CheckForAvailableDiskSpaceInProjectLocationAndEmitW       :        1 samples, Peak.  61.9 us (1.0x), Avg.  61.9 us, Total. 61.90 us (0.0%)
[Performance] Application.FinishLoadingProject                                      :        1 samples, Peak.   376 ms (1.0x), Avg.   376 ms, Total. 376.4 ms (1.0%)
[Performance] Application.RestoreLastOpenedScenes                                   :        1 samples, Peak.   372 ms (1.0x), Avg.   372 ms, Total. 371.6 ms (1.0%)
[Performance] SceneVisibilityState::GameObjectChangedScene_Impl                     :        5 samples, Peak.   100 ns (2.5x), Avg.  40.0 ns, Total. 200.0 ns (0.0%)
[Performance] Application.InvokeFinishedLoadingProject                              :        1 samples, Peak.   478 us (1.0x), Avg.   478 us, Total. 478.0 us (0.0%)
[Performance] Application.InvokeProjectWasLoaded                                    :        1 samples, Peak.  2.31 ms (1.0x), Avg.  2.31 ms, Total. 2.314 ms (0.0%)
[Performance] Toolbar.Paint                                                         :       12 samples, Peak.   273 ms (11.0x), Avg.  24.8 ms, Total. 297.4 ms (0.8%)
[Performance] InspectorWindow.Paint                                                 :       18 samples, Peak.   102 ms (13.2x), Avg.  7.72 ms, Total. 139.0 ms (0.4%)
[Performance] InspectorWindow.OnGUI.Layout                                          :       18 samples, Peak.  7.22 ms (16.7x), Avg.   433 us, Total. 7.795 ms (0.0%)
[Performance] InspectorWindow.OnGUI.repaint                                         :       18 samples, Peak.  55.8 us (1.6x), Avg.  34.3 us, Total. 617.2 us (0.0%)
[Performance] SceneHierarchyWindow.Paint                                            :       13 samples, Peak.  54.2 ms (8.3x), Avg.  6.49 ms, Total. 84.43 ms (0.2%)
[Performance] SceneHierarchyWindow.OnGUI.Layout                                     :       13 samples, Peak.  45.1 ms (12.1x), Avg.  3.74 ms, Total. 48.64 ms (0.1%)
[Performance] SceneVisibilityState.IsHierarchyHidden                                :       26 samples, Peak.  3.90 us (2.5x), Avg.  1.58 us, Total. 41.00 us (0.0%)
[Performance] SceneVisibilityState.IsHiddenByHierarchyRecursive                     :       26 samples, Peak.  1.90 us (1.9x), Avg.  1.02 us, Total. 26.50 us (0.0%)
[Performance] SceneVisibilityState.HasHiddenGameObjects                             :       26 samples, Peak.   400 ns (2.0x), Avg.   204 ns, Total. 5.300 us (0.0%)
[Performance] SceneVisibilityState.IsGameObjectHidden                               :       52 samples, Peak.   800 ns (2.6x), Avg.   312 ns, Total. 16.20 us (0.0%)
[Performance] SceneVisibilityState.AreAllChildrenVisible                            :       52 samples, Peak.   200 ns (3.0x), Avg.  67.3 ns, Total. 3.500 us (0.0%)
[Performance] SceneHierarchyWindow.OnGUI.repaint                                    :       13 samples, Peak.  3.81 ms (3.9x), Avg.   978 us, Total. 12.71 ms (0.0%)
[Performance] GameView.Paint                                                        :       16 samples, Peak.  27.9 ms (5.8x), Avg.  4.83 ms, Total. 77.28 ms (0.2%)
[Performance] GameView.OnGUI.Layout                                                 :       16 samples, Peak.  13.1 ms (9.8x), Avg.  1.34 ms, Total. 21.37 ms (0.1%)
[Performance] GameView.OnGUI.repaint                                                :       16 samples, Peak.  12.0 ms (6.5x), Avg.  1.85 ms, Total. 29.59 ms (0.1%)
[Performance] ProjectBrowser.Paint                                                  :        3 samples, Peak.   147 ms (2.8x), Avg.  52.0 ms, Total. 156.0 ms (0.4%)
[Performance] ProjectBrowser.OnGUI.Layout                                           :        3 samples, Peak.   134 ms (2.9x), Avg.  45.5 ms, Total. 136.5 ms (0.4%)
[Performance] ProjectBrowser.OnGUI.repaint                                          :        3 samples, Peak.  6.66 ms (1.9x), Avg.  3.53 ms, Total. 10.58 ms (0.0%)
[Performance] AppStatusBar.Paint                                                    :       11 samples, Peak.  4.47 ms (3.2x), Avg.  1.40 ms, Total. 15.44 ms (0.0%)
[Performance] ApplicationTickTimer                                                  :     1851 samples, Peak.   509 ms (445.7x), Avg.  1.14 ms, Total. 2.114 s (5.8%)
[Performance] License.Tick                                                          :      490 samples, Peak.  4.60 us (6.4x), Avg.   717 ns, Total. 351.3 us (0.0%)
[Performance] VCProvider                                                            :     1851 samples, Peak.  18.7 us (13.8x), Avg.  1.35 us, Total. 2.502 ms (0.0%)
[Performance] MonoCompiler.Tick                                                     :       58 samples, Peak.  32.6 us (2.7x), Avg.  12.0 us, Total. 696.0 us (0.0%)
[Performance] Internal_SwitchSkin                                                   :     1851 samples, Peak.   500 ns (5.7x), Avg.  87.0 ns, Total. 161.1 us (0.0%)
[Performance] UnityConnect.Tick                                                     :      216 samples, Peak.   504 ms (215.2x), Avg.  2.34 ms, Total. 506.3 ms (1.4%)
[Performance] UnityConnect.PollInfo                                                 :        4 samples, Peak.  1000 ns (1.1x), Avg.   900 ns, Total. 3.600 us (0.0%)
[Performance] Collab.Tick                                                           :      215 samples, Peak.   610 us (96.9x), Avg.  6.30 us, Total. 1.355 ms (0.0%)
[Performance] CurlRequest.Tick                                                      :      113 samples, Peak.   256 us (48.9x), Avg.  5.23 us, Total. 591.2 us (0.0%)
[Performance] WebView.Tick                                                          :      490 samples, Peak.   517 us (5.2x), Avg.   100 us, Total. 49.08 ms (0.1%)
[Performance] WebSocketClient.Tick                                                  :      113 samples, Peak.  20.6 ms (112.2x), Avg.   183 us, Total. 20.70 ms (0.1%)
[Performance] SceneBackgroundTask.Tick                                              :       77 samples, Peak.  2.90 us (9.0x), Avg.   321 ns, Total. 24.70 us (0.0%)
[Performance] Scheduler.Tick                                                        :      837 samples, Peak.  3.70 ms (110.6x), Avg.  33.5 us, Total. 28.03 ms (0.1%)
[Performance] RepaintAllProfilerWindows                                             :       26 samples, Peak.   410 us (22.6x), Avg.  18.1 us, Total. 471.0 us (0.0%)
[Performance] PlayerUpdates.Tick                                                    :      215 samples, Peak.  49.9 us (1.8x), Avg.  28.2 us, Total. 6.074 ms (0.0%)
[Performance] GlobalCallbacks                                                       :     1851 samples, Peak.   415 ms (1097.9x), Avg.   378 us, Total. 699.3 ms (1.9%)
[Performance] EditorAnalytics.Tick                                                  :       48 samples, Peak.  10.4 us (2.5x), Avg.  4.11 us, Total. 197.2 us (0.0%)
[Performance] GI.Tick                                                               :      215 samples, Peak.   415 ms (136.7x), Avg.  3.03 ms, Total. 652.5 ms (1.8%)
[Performance] Video.Update                                                          :     1851 samples, Peak.  3.90 us (5.1x), Avg.   771 ns, Total. 1.428 ms (0.0%)
[Performance] UnitySynchronization.ExecuteTasks                                     :      214 samples, Peak.  1.47 ms (107.3x), Avg.  13.7 us, Total. 2.938 ms (0.0%)
[Performance] PreloadManager                                                        :     1851 samples, Peak.  7.23 ms (592.6x), Avg.  12.2 us, Total. 22.57 ms (0.1%)
[Performance] SceneTracker                                                          :     1851 samples, Peak.  23.3 ms (107.0x), Avg.   218 us, Total. 402.6 ms (1.1%)
[Performance] ConsoleLog.Tick                                                       :       58 samples, Peak.   144 us (17.6x), Avg.  8.17 us, Total. 474.0 us (0.0%)
[Performance] HierarchyWindow.Tick                                                  :       77 samples, Peak.   469 us (73.2x), Avg.  6.41 us, Total. 493.6 us (0.0%)
[Performance] Inspector.Tick                                                        :       77 samples, Peak.  56.9 ms (48.3x), Avg.  1.18 ms, Total. 90.66 ms (0.2%)
[Performance] Tooltip.Tick                                                          :      214 samples, Peak.  7.86 ms (152.2x), Avg.  51.6 us, Total. 11.05 ms (0.0%)
[Performance] RequestRepaintForPanels                                               :     1851 samples, Peak.   598 us (127.8x), Avg.  4.68 us, Total. 8.656 ms (0.0%)
[Performance] UpdateScene                                                           :     1851 samples, Peak.  17.9 ms (443.6x), Avg.  40.3 us, Total. 74.68 ms (0.2%)
[Performance] GUIView.RepaintAll.PlayerLoopController                               :        6 samples, Peak.  16.6 ms (2.6x), Avg.  6.46 ms, Total. 38.79 ms (0.1%)
[Performance] UpdateTextureStreaming                                                :     1851 samples, Peak.  4.80 us (17.6x), Avg.   273 ns, Total. 505.4 us (0.0%)
[Performance] UpdateVideoTextures                                                   :     1851 samples, Peak.   800 ns (3.0x), Avg.   266 ns, Total. 492.1 us (0.0%)
[Performance] PackageImporter.Tick                                                  :       58 samples, Peak.  1.30 us (1.7x), Avg.   762 ns, Total. 44.20 us (0.0%)
[Performance] InspectorBackground.Tick                                              :       76 samples, Peak.  1.50 us (1.8x), Avg.   839 ns, Total. 63.80 us (0.0%)
[Performance] ChangeLayoutIfNeeded                                                  :     1851 samples, Peak.  2.80 us (15.1x), Avg.   186 ns, Total. 344.2 us (0.0%)
[Performance] AsyncReadManager.ForceCloseFiles                                      :       14 samples, Peak.  23.5 us (6.6x), Avg.  3.54 us, Total. 49.60 us (0.0%)
[Performance] GUIView.RepaintAll.RepaintScene                                       :     1845 samples, Peak.  10.7 ms (159.8x), Avg.  67.3 us, Total. 124.1 ms (0.3%)
Refresh: detecting if any assets need to be imported or removed ...
Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.18 ms, found 0 plugins.
Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.16 ms, found 0 plugins.
Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.

Refresh Completed time: 0.246359s
    Asset Scan time: 0.034341s
    Asset Hashing: 0.000000s [0 B, 0.000000 mb/s]
    Asset Import (Scripting) time: 0.000000s (count: 0)
    Post Processs Assets (Scripting) time: 0.000000s
    Asset Rehashing: 0.000000s [0 B, 0.000000 mb/s]
    Asset Import (Non Scripting) time: 0.000000s (count: 0)
    Post Process Assets (Non Scripting) time: 0.000000s
    Dependent Assets to Import Queue time: 0.000000s

Refresh: detecting if any assets need to be imported or removed ...
Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.12 ms, found 0 plugins.
Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 0.05 ms, found 0 plugins.
Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.

Refresh Completed time: 0.196919s
    Asset Scan time: 0.030586s
    Asset Hashing: 0.000000s [0 B, 0.000000 mb/s]
    Asset Import (Scripting) time: 0.000000s (count: 0)
    Post Processs Assets (Scripting) time: 0.000000s
    Asset Rehashing: 0.000000s [0 B, 0.000000 mb/s]
    Asset Import (Non Scripting) time: 0.000000s (count: 0)
    Post Process Assets (Non Scripting) time: 0.000000s
    Dependent Assets to Import Queue time: 0.000000s

[Package Manager] Server::Kill -- Server was shutdown
Cleanup mono
Checking for leaked weakptr:
  Found no leaked weakptrs.

Same here. Can create a new project, but can`t open an existing one.

did u find a soluition?

If you haven’t yet, definitely file a bug report - you can find the process here: Unity QA: Building quality with passion

1 Like

anyone find a solution to this?

I also have same problem , my app is working fine in editor but crashes while opening on mobile.And i got these errors in editor logs . Please anyone help…

No new subsystems found in resolved package list.
[Package Manager] Done registering packages in 0.08s seconds
Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 489.27 ms, found 0 plugins.
Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
IsTimeToCheckForNewEditor: Update time 1585389145 current 1585396340
Initialize engine version: 2019.2.13f1 (e20f6c7e5017)
[XR] Discovering subsystems at path C:/Program Files/Unity/Hub/Editor/2019.2.13f1/Editor/Data/Resources/UnitySubsystems
[XR] Discovering subsystems at path C:/Users/khatr/practice Project/Assets
GfxDevice: creating device client; threaded=1
Version: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1]
Renderer: Intel(R) UHD Graphics 620 (ID=0x3ea0)
VRAM: 4036 MB
[EnlightenBakeManager] m_Clear = false;
Initialize mono
Mono path[0] = ‘C:/Program Files/Unity/Hub/Editor/2019.2.13f1/Editor/Data/Managed’
Mono path[1] = ‘C:/Program Files/Unity/Hub/Editor/2019.2.13f1/Editor/Data/MonoBleedingEdge/lib/mono/unityjit’
Mono config path = ‘C:/Program Files/Unity/Hub/Editor/2019.2.13f1/Editor/Data/MonoBleedingEdge/etc’
Using monoOptions --debugger-agent=transport=dt_socket,embedding=1,server=y,suspend=n,address=
Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
Registering precompiled unity dll’s …
Register platform support module: C:/Program Files/Unity/Hub/Editor/2019.2.13f1/Editor/Data/PlaybackEngines/WindowsStandaloneSupport/UnityEditor.WindowsStandalone.Extensions.dll
Register platform support module: C:/Program Files/Unity/Hub/Editor/2019.2.13f1/Editor/Data/PlaybackEngines/WebGLSupport/UnityEditor.WebGL.Extensions.dll
Register platform support module: C:/Program Files/Unity/Hub/Editor/2019.2.13f1/Editor/Data/PlaybackEngines/AndroidPlayer/UnityEditor.Android.Extensions.dll
Register platform support module: C:/Program Files/Unity/Hub/Editor/2019.2.13f1/Editor/Data/PlaybackEngines/MetroSupport/UnityEditor.UWP.Extensions.dll
Register platform support module: C:/Program Files/Unity/Hub/Editor/2019.2.13f1/Editor/Data/PlaybackEngines/iOSSupport/UnityEditor.iOS.Extensions.dll
Registered in 0.054173 seconds.
[usbmuxd] Start listen thread
[usbmuxd] Listen thread started
Native extension for iOS target not found
Native extension for Android target not found
Native extension for WebGL target not found
Native extension for WindowsStandalone target not found
Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 2.59 ms, found 0 plugins.
Preloading 0 native plugins for Editor in 0.00 ms.
Mono: successfully reloaded assembly

  • Completed reload, in 48.241 seconds
    Registering precompiled user dll’s …
    Registered in 0.218261 seconds.
    Platform modules already initialized, skipping
    Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly

I’ve had crashes constantly when upgrading to Unity 2019.3, so much so at this point that I’m considering rolling back. My game also had all kinds of new bugs and lighting problems when upgrading.

For me it’s when I’m just starting and stopping an application, I’m still looking for what’s causing it.

This looks like an old thread but I’ll throw here a solution to the same (or very similar) problem that happened for me using Unity 2020.
Deleting the Library folder solved the problem.


This worked for me^

Damn libary folder is a pain in the butt.
Deleted that on a previous project because it was making build times take forever due to compiling shaders or something.

Edit - Althought this worked at first, it would seem the route cause was because of a script error on my part, on the scene Unity was trying to load on startup.
Changing the call I had OnAwake for ~100 scripts fixed the problem :stuck_out_tongue:

This saved my project! I was just about to give up. Thanks!

Deleting the Library folder worked for me, too. But why? Am I screwing up my project by doing so?

Thanks Worked for me <3

This is often the case, it’s kind of like when a game like Ark updates and you have to get Steam to verify the files.

Have I told you that I love you :slight_smile:

oh my good grief. thank you so so much.