Since I updated my Unity to 2019.4.81f, Unity freezes when I play the game on editor and even when I make little changes on prefabs, scripts etc. I checked the editor log and it’s full of this:
[Licensing::Module] License is not active (com.unity.editor.ui). HasEntitlements will fail.
[LicensingClient] ERROR Failed to send request while resolving entitlements
I downgraded my Unity Hub, checked my license which is valid, but this still happens. I’d really appreciate if anyone shows me the way out.
Before doing that please close all the Unity applications, Editor and HUB (even from the taskbar)
And then start opening HUB and then your project and then collect your logs please.
Hmm, what I noticed is that after closing and opening the project, editor log is cleaned and there is no error.
After every crash I force quit the app and launch again, it works normal for a while. However, it repeats after I spend some time and work on the project and I don’t to anything particular that may cause this.
EDIT: It crashed again and I’m sending the new Editor Log
Thanks for providing the log files.
Out of curiosity, Do you connect to a VPN? This is one of the most probable reasons that MAC address changes.
In your client log file there are some logs showing that MAC address is not valid.
2020-08-17 22:06:30.521 - WARN - Unity.Licensing.EntitlementResolver.ContextBoundDataExtensions || The following fields of your context don't match:
Legacy.MachineBinding5: License value (54:e1:ad:16:c6:b5) != Current context (c8:3d:d4:a8:9e:71)
Also I see a crash in the log file! I will take a look at it.
I found a temporary solution by going task manager → unity project → killing “unity.licensing.client” thing and there will be a pop-up from unity, just close it from X.
I am glad that you could at least find a workaround.
Sorry for this inconvenience, we found a bug where Editor and Client lose their connection, in certain cases connection reestablishment fails. The fix is coming to 2020.1 version first and then to 2019LTS version.
On the other hand until the fix is put in place, it would be great if you could find a main reason behind the reason why Editor and Client loose their connection on your machine. Knowing the exact reason also help us make Unity more robust.
I’m really tired of it, I have deadlines and this crash is really frustrating and time consuming. I did everything on my end to check the connection or if there’s something that affects this connection loss. I didn’t have this kind of problem on previous versions at all and nothing has changed on my computer since then.