I am having a huge problem finishing my game. I can get it to load the menu screen and all the sub menu screens as well but when I go to start my actual game the game crashes. I don’t know what else to do to load into the next scene. I was using Application.LoadLevel(“Game”) to go into my scene but when I do that I get up to 850+ ms for a frame and it crashes the application. I tried using Application.LoadLevelAsync but I got the same result. There isn’t anything that big inside of my game to cause crashes, it runs at 1ms, 19 draw calls, and less than 1000 verts. I tried deep profiling the scene but the only thing that causes a huge amount of lag is Application.WaitForAsyncOperationToComplete which eats up 166.9KB Memory, 741ms. Any ideas on how to fix this?
Okay I think I figured it out, there was a sprite sheet being called that was using 8MB…opps
Thanks, It’s helpful.
I think I have same issue, does making Atlases help?