Unity crashes when trying to fadein and fadeout sound

Hi everyone…so I am kind of new to unity and was trying to fade multiple sound tracks in my scene.Everytime I attach the script to my gameobject and run it Unity crashes.Attaching my script below->

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class Fade_Play_Audio : MonoBehaviour
private AudioSource audioS;
private bool keepFadeIn;
private bool keepFadeOut;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
audioS = FindObjectOfType<Audio_Manager>().GetComponent();
FadeInCaller(“First_Floor”, .1f, 100);


public  IEnumerator FadeIn(string name, float speed, float maxVolume)
    keepFadeIn = true;
    keepFadeOut = false;
    audioS.volume = 0;
    while(audioS.volume<maxVolume && keepFadeIn)
        audioS.volume += speed;
    yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.1f);

public IEnumerator FadeOut(string name, float speed)
    keepFadeIn = false;
    keepFadeOut = true;
    while (audioS.volume>=speed && keepFadeOut)
        audioS.volume -= speed;
    audioS.volume = 0;
    yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.1f);

//coroutine callers
public void FadeInCaller(string name, float speed, float maxVolume)

public void FadeOutCaller(string name, float speed)
    StartCoroutine(FadeOut(name, speed));

void OnTriggerEnter(Collider col)
    if (col.tag == "Player" && gameObject.tag == "Door1")

        FadeOutCaller("First_Floor", .2f);

    if (col.tag == "Player" && gameObject.tag == "Door2")
        FadeInCaller("Bottom_Floor", .2f, 100);


    if (col.tag == "Player" && gameObject.tag == "Boss_Room_Door")
       //play music


You need to put yield return inside the while loops in your coroutines.