I am very new to unity and I have run into an odd problem.
I was running the preview in unity and I had a script do something bad that froze it. So I used task manager to kill it.
Next time I started unity and ran my script (after I fixed the problem), the behavior was different than it should have been.
I had a Perlin noise generator class that basically stopped working. This class was in its own game object. It was however being called by reference through another game object (I had drug it onto the inspector to “link” it).
The only way to get my class to start working again was to delete the game object containing that class and recreate and link it to the referencing script.
This seems like it could be a very big problem in the future as my project grows. If I happen to get a crash and all of the sudden my classes stop working (but no errors in Unity), then I am going to have a heck of time trying to hook up all my references again to fix the problem.
Thoughts? Ideas? Comments?