Unity crashing regularly

I have just installed Unity 3 on my computer, but It crashes really randomly and often.

I have a Windows 7 64bit and a ATI card.

Anyone else having such problems?

I have 32-bit Vista. And so far I have not had any real problems.

I use the same configuration except I’m using NVIDIA and have the same problem.

Hi there!
Ive been using Unity 3 on the exact same setup (win7 64bit, ati radeon 4870xfire) for quite some time now, but havent had any issues with crashes etc. It almost sounds like a driver issue, so maybe make sure you have the latest drivers? If it continues crashing, you should send us a bug-report, so we can try to look into it.



crashes have for me been standard since 2.6 whenever I have uncought exceptions especially when OnGUI caused it.

Those crashes I´ve have been standard for me too, but now when I upgraded to unity 3 the crashing problem has become much worse. For example: I made a new scene, selected main camera, tried to rotate it by 90 degrees, but unity crashed :S