Not really sure where to put this, tried calling unity but just got told to email support, but that could take 48 hours, i was buying 3 unity asset items, and instead of charging me the $50 they charged me 6 times costing a total of $300, i really cannot wait the 48 hours to get that money back.
It’s really unfortunate, but there are only really two options here.
- Wait for Unity to investigate your issue and refund the money.
- Dispute the transaction with your credit card holder (NOT RECOMMENDED).
Disputing a transaction would mean that you would also dispute the purchase of the real assets you purchased and could potentially lead you into quite some problems.
I would not see what the issue would be lol, or investigation for that matter, my order says $44 but my bank says $50, $50, $50, $50, $50, $50, $250 should not be taken,
I agree that this shouldn’t have happened, but unfortunately you have to go through Unity to get a refund. You can try consulting your credit card company or bank for a solution if you want, but they would most likely tell you to go through Unity.
Well my bank just told me that it is most likely a glitch in the system and the money should be back in on monday so.
Just a thought, but most online transactions go threw an authorization hold. If you click the button 10 times it places a hold on the amount 10 times and then after it downloads/ships/what ever way you receive it, you get charged. So you could have done that downloaded it and then the rest of the amounts are the holds, which normally drop off with in a few days, but depending on the bank and the card could take up to a month. Like I’ve heard that the per-paid green dot cards take almost a month for that to happen. But most banks/credit cards its only a few business days to a week. Just my experience working in a call center for online retailers. And disputing it could cause your card not to work with the website ever again, why I’m not sure but that’s what I was told when working at the call center. I could be way off and its fixed by tomorrow. I know it sucks I’ve gotten calls about people ordering $500 stuff and getting charged $1000 to $1500…