Unity Debugging Scope with Build Settings > Script Debugging

Hi guys. So I’m using events and when a method called by the event generates an error, the output points to the event invoke instead of giving me more of a scope (as in it tells me the line and method where the exact error was generated).

It was doing that before I realized I had to make it a development build and enable Build Settings > Script Debugging, then it would show the specific errors even in the editor. I haven’t changed the settings (besides off then on again, just to see), and it seems to have gone back to its old ways of showing the error as the event invoke.
Does anyone have any ideas how to solve this? I cannot work around it, as my game is using the observer pattern heavily so every time I get a simple error I want to tear my hair out because the console is holding information from me lmao
Thank you! And, if you have any questions please ask!

  • Michael

Attached is an image of my build settings, the event code I am using

Note that I use .Invoke() so in this context, the console points me to the ‘throw exception’ of that method. But, as previously stated, I used to get pinpoint accuracy on the exception and no longer do, not sure what changed.

	//0 parameter
	public class TrappedEvent {

		private event Action privateEvent;
		private readonly Dictionary<Action, Action> dictionary = new Dictionary<Action, Action>();
		private List<Exception> exceptions;
		public static TrappedEvent operator +(TrappedEvent ev, Action action) {
			if (ev == null)
				ev = new TrappedEvent();
			if (ev.dictionary.ContainsKey(action))
				ev.privateEvent -= ev.dictionary[action];
			Action wrapper = delegate {
				try {
				} catch (Exception e) {
			ev.dictionary[action] = wrapper;
			ev.privateEvent += wrapper;
			return ev;

		public static TrappedEvent operator -(TrappedEvent ev, Action action) {
			if (ev == null)
				ev = new TrappedEvent();
			ev.privateEvent -= ev.dictionary[action];
			return ev;

		public TrappedEventException TryInvoke() {
			exceptions = new List<Exception>();
			if (privateEvent != null)
			if (exceptions.Count > 0)
				return new TrappedEventException(exceptions);
			return null;

		public void Invoke() {
			var exception = TryInvoke();
			if (exception != null)
				throw exception;


	public class TrappedEventException : Exception {
		public readonly ReadOnlyCollection<Exception> innerExceptions;
		public TrappedEventException(IList<Exception> exceptions) {
			innerExceptions = new ReadOnlyCollection<Exception>(exceptions);

//This will cause an exception because the game object does not exist, output below
public class Test : MonoBehaviour {
	TrappedEvent ev = new TrappedEvent();

	void Start () {
		ev += Tests;

	void Tests() {
		GameObject.Find("sdfmnsdjkfhgsdhjf").transform.position = Vector3.zero;

OUTPUT: Screenshot by Lightshot

Test:13 is ev.Invoke();
TrappedEvent:254 is throw exception;

BUILD SETTINGS: Screenshot by Lightshot

I had a similar issue when attempting to create my own Debug logging class. The solution was to place/move the code that calls INVOKE, in a new library DLL, then use that DLL in my main project, where I was actually invoking it.

Not sure it will help in this case, I’m not quite clear if the issue is with the EXCEPTION being generated, or the console Debug output (should help for the latter).