Unity Defaut Assets ... will they reset for every project ?


I would like to know if every time a new project is started and assets are import they automatically reset.

Say I download APackage from the Unity Asset Store and import it in Project A, edit the scripts. When I start a new project B and import APackage again will the scripts be back to their default version.

Does the same apply to the default Unity assets ? To be more specific, I am about to modify the FirstPersonController and before messing with it I would like to make sure Unity has it saved somewhere, and that I am working on a project specific copy.

Thank you

Everytime you hit “Import” on the asset store window, your reimporting the assets files, and potentially overwriting changes you might have made to the assets files.

The changes you make to an asset are not saved into a package to reimport into other projects unless you export your own package manually and import that package into another project.