Hey guys, I’m building an Unity game for Windows Phone 8 platform, when I tried to build “.sln” file through VisualStudio 2013 it showed this message:
“MouseEvent.cs not found”. I’ve used OnMouseDown(),OnMouseExit() in my game and it’s running very perfect on Android. Anyone tell me why?
UnityEngine.DLL!UnityEngine.SendMouseEvents.DoSendMouseEvents(int mouseUsed, int skipRTCameras) Line 103 Unknown
Locating source for ‘C:\BuildAgent\work\d63dfc6385190b60\Runtime\Export\MouseEvents.cs’. (No checksum.)
The file ‘C:\BuildAgent\work\d63dfc6385190b60\Runtime\Export\MouseEvents.cs’ does not exist.
I hope this will be usefull for other people to help us.
Unity, Windows 8 and Visual Studio are up to date!
I tried an new Project with an empty scene with just an GUI Text and get the same problem, so my projects aren’t the problem here.
What version of Visual Studio are you using? I was having a similar problem using Visual Studio Code, but the issue went away after I changed to Visual Studio Community 2015…
Hope this helps!