I’m reading the Unity user manual this week. I wanted to know if it is ok to post the errors I find in the manual here?
I didn’t report the first one I saw, I may remember and go back and find it, but this is the 2nd.
On this page: http://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/RandomNumbers.html
The “<” symbol was html encoded, whoops.
if (randomPoint < probs*)*
Here’s another.
In this file: Unity - Manual: Instantiating Prefabs at run time
The example code following the line of text below has closing brackets in the wrong place. It appears they pasted the C# example above the javascript example’s function KillSelf’s closing bracket.
The following example shows how these steps are modelled in code
#3 in this file: Unity - Manual: Version control integrations
The following line:
You have to option to work in offline.
should read:
You have the option to work offline.
You have the option to work in offline mode.
The following text in this file: Unity - Manual: Time
For example, the frame rate can drop due to an appearance of many game onscreen, or because the user launched another application in the background.
‘many game onscreen’ should be ‘many gameObjects onscreen’ or something similar.
In this file: Unity - Manual: Editor Windows
The following C# example is posted twice on the page, one after another… one of them should be removed.
//C# Example
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Collections;
public class Example : EditorWindow
void OnGUI () {
// The actual window code goes here
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In this file: Unity - Manual: Property Drawers
Not sure what’s going on here, but it’s a mess between the first two code blocks.
The file: Unity - Manual: Custom Editors
has duplicate C# examples also. Sometimes with different syntax! Which is correct? Both, Neither? oh my …
This file: http://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/Meshes.html
has broken manual navigation and unsync’d toc.
The Next navigation button is on the following page leads to the above page: Unity - Manual: Using the Mesh Class
When will we see new gui documentation?
Thanks for letting us know about this stuff. I’ll send it on to the docs team. However, we’ve now implemented a new feature that allows you to report errors directly to them - just look for the “Suggest a change” hyperlink at the top right of each page. Click that, and throw your suggestion in!
You’ll have to use the docs bundled with the 4.6 open beta rather than the online docs. Just go to “Help” in the toolbar; the docs are right there. Once 4.6 is an official release, we’ll put them online.