As the title says, Unity does not want people to make games… They only want people to make assets.
This becomes clear when you try to make a new project, first you have to sit there updating and installing packages which should be part of the editor by default. Then you have to sit there for hours importing assets…
All 1 at a time.
Then, you make the mistake of installing an asset which Demands the project be using the URP/HDRP and it switches the project to the URP/HD, and you then have to wait for over an hour before you can use your computer - as it decides to re-import everything that you just sat there for hours importing one by one.
When it is finished, you follow the guide to try and convert your project assets to the new render pipeline, but then find that some of your assets simply cannot be converted… look like trash or remain pink with the URP. So then you may as well delete the project and start from scratch because it seems there is no way of converting back to the default renderer.
When you are new to unity, or returning after years of not using it, and you have wasted several days doing this, and trying to get a project set-up that you can actually work in and try to make a game from, only to hit yet another render pipeline problem…
This makes you simply not want to bother to waste any more of your time.
This has to be the least intuitive application workflow and least user-friendly thing that unity has ever done.
But it seems like they simply do not care. Because the more developers they can deter from making games, the more assets they sell, to other new developers who then go through this pain and stick to making assets too.
How hard would it be to have a “Default Shader” in each render pipeline which replaces the built in default shader? It should be a click once to switch between each pipeline. I don’t care if it isn’t as simple as that… They should make it as simple as that. Not put people through this infuriating BS!
Together, the Package Manager and Render Pipeline make you just not want to bother using unity ever again.
But you can’t send them direct feedback to tell them how much this sucks… NOo, you must come to these forums and be ignored. What? Maybe if they had a real feedback system then things would not have gotten this bad in the first place?
So clearly yes, they don’t want people using their game engine to make games.