Unity doesn't want developers to make games, only assets

As the title says, Unity does not want people to make games… They only want people to make assets.

This becomes clear when you try to make a new project, first you have to sit there updating and installing packages which should be part of the editor by default. Then you have to sit there for hours importing assets…

All 1 at a time.

Then, you make the mistake of installing an asset which Demands the project be using the URP/HDRP and it switches the project to the URP/HD, and you then have to wait for over an hour before you can use your computer - as it decides to re-import everything that you just sat there for hours importing one by one.

When it is finished, you follow the guide to try and convert your project assets to the new render pipeline, but then find that some of your assets simply cannot be converted… look like trash or remain pink with the URP. So then you may as well delete the project and start from scratch because it seems there is no way of converting back to the default renderer.

When you are new to unity, or returning after years of not using it, and you have wasted several days doing this, and trying to get a project set-up that you can actually work in and try to make a game from, only to hit yet another render pipeline problem…

This makes you simply not want to bother to waste any more of your time.

This has to be the least intuitive application workflow and least user-friendly thing that unity has ever done.

But it seems like they simply do not care. Because the more developers they can deter from making games, the more assets they sell, to other new developers who then go through this pain and stick to making assets too.

How hard would it be to have a “Default Shader” in each render pipeline which replaces the built in default shader? It should be a click once to switch between each pipeline. I don’t care if it isn’t as simple as that… They should make it as simple as that. Not put people through this infuriating BS!

Together, the Package Manager and Render Pipeline make you just not want to bother using unity ever again.

But you can’t send them direct feedback to tell them how much this sucks… NOo, you must come to these forums and be ignored. What? Maybe if they had a real feedback system then things would not have gotten this bad in the first place?

So clearly yes, they don’t want people using their game engine to make games.

It takes maybe 3 minutes for a new project to build. Not that long compared to actual development.

I think you could have avoided all of that by not installing the initial asset that requires URP and just find an alternative. You should decide from the beginning whether you want a URP, Standard, or HDRP project. There are tools to switch, yes, but if you already have a project with several asset imported that work with a specific pipeline then why switch?

They do. You have to update materials. The issue here is every material and shader is different and has to be updated to work in this new pipeline. If it can’t be auto upgraded through their super easy one button click process, then you have to edit it yourself.

I disagree, If it can’t be upgraded then the UNIVERSAL renderer should render it using the default shader.

I didn’t know the asset was going to switch the project to URP… it didn’t say anything of the sort. It said something about needing to upgrade the package manager. Or something like that.

Look, my PC is not slow, at anything else… installing assets takes FOREVER.

Maybe it is due to whatever compression method they use on asset packages, but it is a fact.

If you are new or returning to Unity, then you should be prepared to waste several days to a week of your time with this rubbish. It is so infuriating I have to refrain from using explicit words in every sentence I have written here.

For you and whoever else follows to tell me it is all my own fault is just pure insult on top of the insult that is the package manager and render pipeline workflows.

So you think Unity should overwrite my custom shader with a new default shader if it doesn’t convert? What if its a specific double sided shader? Or a toon shader? Or a specific particle type shader I need for a particle system to appear correctly?

Do you know how insane that sound?

Which asset switched it over to URP? And considering you don’t know what the prompt said, why would you click continue?

hello i was just wondering what unity version / api you found so much trouble with ?

i have to agree it is not the same as it was years ago, they added render pipelines with a very long road map that is not so pleasant to digest in one day or even one week. over the last few years we came from api 4x 5x 6x 7x 8x 10x 11x and 12x coming soon

note the slow compile on import/first start new projects is not the same for every unity version however yes they are all much slower that 2018 or older. much of this is in textures and or complex shaders following closely behind… in Unity beta and alpha versions not yet ready for production it does seam a bit improved so a few more years to go perhaps, we shall see

for standard i suggest 2019.4 and for URP/HDRP i strongly recommend not to go bellow api 10x (aka 2020.3 or higher) and you may just miss some other pain we had when you were away…


“Do you know how insane that sounds?”

I don’t care how insane it sounds when you don’t understand something I am saying.

If the built in renderer has what they call a “Default” shader… then when you switch to another renderer it should automatically start using the most commonly used shader as ITS “Default” shader… and if it doesn’t suit the user then they can switch it to a different one. We should not be seeing pink, un-rendered surfaces at all.

And if something then needs to be “re-imported” the user can just simply copy the files in from their backup location, instead of sitting there for several hours waiting for the editor to decompress and reimport them from asset packages.

Look, my project still isn’t usable - about an hour after i took the screenshot. How many hours am i going to have to wait whilst the editor burns out my Ryzen 7 CPU, 32GB of 3200MHz RAM and hard drive… before I can actually do something with the project? Hmm? Yet in your first post you try to make out like i am exaggerating and that it is a 3 minute job lol.

So yes, if they overwrite your custom shader with a default shader, I don’t think as much of your time would be wasted as has been of mine, and anyone else who wasn’t aware of how this new Render Pipeline works before they started importing assets.

There is no way to switch back to the default renderer - you have to do it all manually, and in most cases that means you may as well delete the project and start again.

@DEEnvironment I am using 2020.3.17f1 (LTS) version.

Did they call it a “Pipeline” because it basically flushes your time down a toilet?

good to see your in 10x or higher or you would be screaming even more next week


You didn’t know how to use URP, didn’t pay attention to the upgrade prompts, continued to upgrade, and are now complaining saying you just have to delete the project when version control exists for a reason. Why you would switch a render pipeline mid project without version control is beyond me.

It just sounds like you shot yourself in the foot and want to blame the gun.

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i believe his pain may be he is porting up from a very old project years ago ?

@Shiro_Rin no, i didn’t shoot anything… i just sat here for hours wondering why other people have not complained about how unintuitive and slow this process is. If others had bothered to complain then I would not have to do so. Not just that, but I think there should be someone at least saying how bad it is so that others can know this.

@DEEnvironment no, actually I am using assets from the Prototyping Bundle and the Humblebundle, which i bought last week and would expect that they would all work together well since Unity hand-picked them.

No, here we are, the URP/HDRP has just made everything in the project look like trash.
Click on a pink surface, assign the lit shader like the guides say to do… and it looks like trash.
Try other shaders, trash. And it is supposed to be HD.

What a complete joke.