unity don't recognize folder for the visual studio if have words for other languages

the last caple off days i have finding that visual studio is not finding the errors and use one try to use other option for open by file extensionwean try to open the script the with other option for open by file extension the have this weird error and is not continues to show the script but if Saman but if saman use open by file extension the dont find the error in visual studio

after meny test i find haw to fix the problem the problem is the need for the folder path i have my project to not have grace world this the only way to fix the problem is because weatever what ever method unity use to find the path do recognize the don’t recognize Greek word for the path the fury part is i have that folder on my desktop and windows language on english but windows but for same reason windows decided to add that word spefic in Greece in the order to make my life harder

6794891--787595--wierd error.png

Sorry, this is the Remote Config forum. For path names, I might recommend to use ASCII characters, and perhaps avoid OneDrive folders. I doubt that Windows knows who you are and is purposely trying to make it difficult for you! :slight_smile: I might recommend the General Support forum Unity Engine - Unity Discussions