Unity + Eclipse ?

Hello :slight_smile:

Newbie question, I know :slight_smile: but:
Is there a way to setup Eclipse with Unity using Javascript in order to have code completion and method hining?

Im on Mac and been an AS3 developer for few years now.

Tnx a bunch!

unity has no javascript

the unityscript present in unity has nothing to do with any language offered in eclipse at all

ok :)) this is gettin’ hillarious!

Let’s put it in my newbish way:

Is there a way to obtain code-hinting using Unity + “Some other mysterious editor” while using the so called Javascript coding language?

Like in AS3 there is Flex or FDT and when I type

movieclipName_mc followed bay a dot, the editor sugest the “gotoAndPlay” method. Is there a way to obtain such thing using Unity + UnityScript ?

Kind regards!

there are at least 2 such editors, check the board :slight_smile: