Unity edition crashes in ubuntu 22.04 lts upon opening a sub-menu window


Obtained 26 stack frames.
#0  0x007fd4e6f79e60 in funlockfile
#1  0x007fd4e756a2fd in g_type_check_instance
#2  0x007fd4e755fe7c in g_signal_handlers_disconnect_matched
#3  0x005648b3f5baf3 in DisconnectGtkSignal(void*, GtkCallbackResponse (*)(), void*)
#4  0x005648b3802ecd in MenuItem::~MenuItem()
#5  0x005648b3807743 in RemoveItemFromMenu(std::list<MenuItem, std::allocator<MenuItem> >*, core::basic_string_ref<char>)
#6  0x005648b3807783 in RemoveItemFromMenu(std::list<MenuItem, std::allocator<MenuItem> >*, core::basic_string_ref<char>)
#7  0x005648b38075c3 in MenuController::RemoveMenuItem(core::basic_string_ref<char>)
#8  0x005648b2494f9c in Menu_CUSTOM_RemoveMenuItem(ScriptingBackendNativeStringPtrOpaque*)
#9  0x00000040cb4a63 in (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEditor.Menu:RemoveMenuItem (string)
#10 0x00000040cb3bcf in UnityEditor.EditorApplication/<>c__DisplayClass103_0:<CallDelayed>b__0 ()
#11 0x007fd3f005c228 in mono_get_runtime_build_info
#12 0x007fd3f01faf2e in mono_runtime_invoke
#13 0x007fd3f01fae78 in mono_runtime_invoke
#14 0x005648b2d7c703 in scripting_method_invoke(ScriptingMethodPtr, ScriptingObjectPtr, ScriptingArguments&, ScriptingExceptionPtr*, bool)
#15 0x005648b2d5a7e7 in ScriptingInvocation::Invoke(ScriptingExceptionPtr*, bool)
#16 0x005648b2ea45df in Scripting::UnityEditor::EditorApplicationProxy::Internal_InvokeTickEvents(ScriptingExceptionPtr*)
#17 0x005648b3ebcdc3 in Application::TickTimer()
#18 0x005648b3f5ae3a in MainMessageIteration(void*)
#19 0x007fd4e745318c in g_main_context_dispatch
#20 0x007fd4e7453538 in g_main_context_dispatch
#21 0x007fd4e7453853 in g_main_loop_run
#22 0x007fd4e7b18e85 in gtk_main
#23 0x005648b3f59ff7 in main
#24 0x007fd4e6daab80 in __libc_start_main
#25 0x005648b2139029 in _start

This happens when i try to open project settings or preferences from edit menu, this also happens when trying to open package manager
basically the same thing as the log i posted

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Reinstall unity (and get the latest LTS).
If it still happens make a bug report

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I am currently using the latest LTS, and yes i have tried that but it didn’t fix it for me
I am thinking of shifting to the previous LTS to see ifit resolves this issue

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Make a bug report as well. Trying other versions (maybe 2022.1 or beta) could be worth a shot as well

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I’m having the same issue. Did you manage to fix it? Do you know in which versions it occurs? I’ve been using Unity 2020 LTS and it works flawlessly, but Unity 2021.3.11f1 crashes whenever I try to open any sort of menu. I’m using Fedora 36.

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Hi. I’m having the exact same issue.
I’m using Unity 2021.3.12f1 LTS in Pop OS. Happens whenever I try to open any menu.

I’ve also formatted my computer and tried other versions of Unity Editor, but nothing solved the issue.

For anyone coming across this thread, here is the issue tracker link: Unity Issue Tracker - [Linux] Editor crashes at &quot;DisconnectGtkSignal(void*, GtkCallbackResponse (*)(), void*)&quot; when opening floating windows