Unity Editor crash when exit playmode

I noticed a strange crash bug while developing my project. I have several identical objects in the hierarchy.
Each object has a simple script. Here it is: Code

using UnityEngine;

public class SimpleObject : MonoBehaviour
    public float property;

    private void OnValidate()
        foreach (var obj in FindObjectsOfType<SimpleObject>())
            // null check doesn't helps
            if (!obj || !gameObject)
            // without this if everything works fine
            if (transform.position.z > obj.transform.position.z)
                // do something

Also, I have an object, that reload scene by click.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;

public class ReloadSceneOnClick : MonoBehaviour
    private void Update()
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Mouse0))
            Debug.Log("Reload Scene");

When I enter playmode, click to reload the scene and try to exit playmode, unity crashes. This happens with both Unity 2019.4.4 and Unity 2019.3.13. I have already reported a bug. Do you have any ideas why it happens?


Thanks Unity for the quick response! Actually, they know about this problem: Unity Issue Tracker - Editor crashes with Transform::GetPosition when exiting Play Mode after Scene reload I hope it will be fixed soon.