since approx. a year, we are developing a VR game for Oculus and SteamVR. There is one thing, regularily screwing up the work day: the Unity Editor just randomly crashing.
What happens:
When running the game from the Unity Editor, after a couple of seconds the Editor freezes. The game seems still be running in the background (as music is still playing) but Unity does not react to anything anymore. The only thing you can do is kill it with the Windows task manager.
When does it happen:
Absolutely random! Approx. 1 time every two weeks. The problem is, once it is happening, it is always happening and you can’t get the game working anymore in the editor. If you start the compiled game from outside of unity, everything works fine.
When this happens we start testing our builds by compiling them and running them from outside of the editor. (But as you can imagine, that is not a god way for testing it.)
After some time, the game can be run from inside the Editor again. Everything works fine then, until… at some random time it happens again…
This error is occuring since the beginning from our development in Unity 5.3, 5.4 and 5.5. It is also happening on all dev machines (but all are running windows 10).
As we can’t force reproduce it, this is hard to debug.
My questions:
Is there any way to debug the Unity editor itself when it freezes?
Is there any issues already known of the Unity Editor freezing during playback?
I had the same problem too and for me, it seemed to be connected to my internet connection. When the connection was lost, even for a few seconds, it would crash.
It can be something else though. I hope you figure it out soon!
If you are using an NVIDIA graphics card on windows 10, reinstall the driver from Geforce experience with the ‘clean install’ box checked. I don’t know if it will help with the EXACT problem you have but it solved a similar issue for me. Windows 10 has some, … peculiarities, in regards to it’s cooperativeness with drivers.
Yeah, I’ve had this problem as well, and haven’t really figured out a solution for it.
But as far as debugging the editor itself, one thing that you can do is look at the editor log files. Sometimes this can have information about crashes and issues. Although, I’m not really sure if it will output the error when the editor freezes. It might still be worth looking into, though.
The Log says nothing interesting. It seems to be somehow connected to audio driver management of windows. The freeze seems to happen after the primary audio device was switched while working in the unity editor. (For ex. between speakers and headphones) Can reproduce this at home and at work.
Having the same problem after buying the Rift, I disconnected all my Oculus-Hardware and stopped every Oculus-Service (I can recommend Oculus Tray Tool for this). After this Unity stopped freezing magically… Downside on this: I can’t work on my VR-Game anymore