Unity Editor Inspector creating gameObjects in world

Hi there,

I’ve tried and failed many times to get a working script for this.

I basically want to be able to select prefabs and drag them into the Inspector,
I have about 8 objects that need to be dragged into the inspector, once that is done, I need to select the starting point of where to instantiate obj1 (Ex: -5, 0, -5)

Then on I will figure out where the rest of the objects should go depending on where the 1st obj was created, I will do the math, however I cannot get the inspector to work with my own “First object: (Drag and drop here/prefab)” for some reason I can do labels etc. But can never get an object to drag into the inspector…

How do I go about this please help.


I actually wrote an Editor script which allows the user to drag and drop a prefab into a selector, then input its position, give it a name and place it. Here is the code for that:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEditor;

public class CustomWindow : EditorWindow {

    GameObject obj = null;
    Vector3 vec3 = new Vector3(0,0,0);
    string objname = "";
    GameObject tempobj = null;

    [MenuItem ("Window/My Custom Window")]
    static void ShowWindow () {

    void OnInspectorUpdate () {
        Repaint ();
    void OnGUI()
        obj = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Select game object to place",obj, typeof(GameObject), true) as GameObject;
        vec3 = EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field("placement position:", vec3);
        objname = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Name for new object: ", objname);

        if (obj && objname != "")    {
            if (GUILayout.Button( "Add to scene"))
                tempobj = (GameObject)Instantiate(obj, vec3, Quaternion.identity);
                tempobj.name = objname;
        } else {
            EditorGUILayout.LabelField ( "You must select an object and give it a name first");

That’s a good place to get started, then I suggest reading our ‘Extending the Editor’ docs page:

You should be able to add some code that then places the rest of the objects in the order you choose within the OnGUI() function.

I hope this answers your question somewhat!

I assume you already have a custom Editor subclass? If not, you’ll need one. From there, take a look at the DragAndDrop docs. You’ll need to check for Drag events in OnInspectorGUI and handle them correctly when the drag/drop is over your inspector.

You can also just make a List of GameObject’s in your MonoBehavior, in which case Unity will do all of the editor drag-and-drop for you in the default inspector.