I’ve been suffering on this weird building issue for weeks, it was not that severe at start, and it was getting more and more difficult to work around in these weeks.
I have a project containing 30+ scenes now ( and the number is growing ), whenever I build the webplayer, the editor usually ( 90% ) freezes at building levels, and I have to use TaskManager to kill Unity process and retry.
With many trials, I find that some levels are more likely to freeze,
Of course, I doubted there might be some magic stuff in specific level, so I build the level-in-question alone and it always passed without any problems.
Last week, I finally made a build after 40+ tries and several PC restarts. This week it still won’t let me have it after I-dont-know-how-many-times tries.
Now I really don’t know how to handle this … problem. Any help is appreciated.
I succeeded to make a build after one editor crash and three freezes, but the build cannot run properly, seems to be caused from prefabs in Resources folder. There seems to have a lot of code/prefab need to change if I want to make it work with u4.3.4. Doesn’t look like a valid solution.
I will download an older version u4.5 editor, maybe have a better luck.
Finally, fixed it. Looks like it was from B2M.
Need to inspect each b2m material to make sure it’s calculated before building, or it has a chance to freeze Unity editor during build, the chance grows fast when scenes number increases.