I am running
Unity 3.5.3f3 pro version
windows 7ultimate 64 bit.
i7 CPU 950
Geforce GTX 460
The laggy is worst…
but after updating the latest nvidia driver it’s better, but it’s still laggy and slow.
I have to -force-opengl to make unity run smooth.
My question:
why I have to force opengl? what’s wrong with my computer spec?
Should I change video card? is there another solution instead of force-opengl?
Nvidia has had some real issues with their latest set of drivers, which in many cases locks your GPU clocks down to 50mhz. This may be the problem you’re experiencing, in which case you should roll back your drivers a couple versions.
You’ll know if the Nvidia drivers are locking your clock to 50mhz because you can restart your PC, the Unity editor will run perfectly fine, and then later on it’ll be crippled and laggy again.
How can I check that nvidia drivers locking the clock to 50mhz?
I restarted my windows and open unity application 1st, the editor is laggy. So it is not becoming laggy after some period.