Unity Editor Scene View Flickering Issue

Hello, any fix for this?

Unity Editor scene view is flickering, how to fix? I am using laptop.
with nvidia rtx 3050 gpu

most of the fix I saw is disabling G-sync but I don’t have that settings

I also tried the delete library and projectSettings part… still I am lost.

unity version: 2022.3.5 / 2022.3.7
OS: windows 11
gpu: rtx 3050 nvidia

I have had this issue since I installed Unity 2022.3.12f1.
The flicker was happening when I moused over the scene view from any other tab.

The only fix I have found is to drag the Scene viewport into the same tab as the Game View. Then Drag it back into its original place.

I found that the issue returns on each reload of my project, but at least its temporarily fixed.

If anyone finds a permanent fix Please let us know.