Unity Editor Updated but now my Projekt is not starting anymore!

Hey guys,
Yesterday I have updated my Editor Version from 2021.3.7f1 to 2021.3.11f1 and now its will start and loading but it still busy for now 10 h by Importing and my Projekt is not big!

Sorry my English is not the best.
I would be very grateful for any answer


This is the 2D forum, this post isn’t related to anything specific to 2D.

I’ll move your post to the Editor and General Support forum.


Always back up your project before updating, as Unity reminds you. It’s a real thing.

Lost progress / project / work / stuff disappeared in Unity.

This article is to help you when you have lost significant progress or work in your Unity project.

It is designed to give you avenues of discovery and investigation.

It is NOT a guarantee of restoring your lost work. It is NOT a substitute for proper IT / Data security procedures.

To decide which parts are applicable to you, look for major bolded headings.


Your project probably is still on your computer. Try a computer-wide search for some unique filenames that you know are in the project you think is gone.

To start your search, one common file to all Unity projects is named ProjectSettings.asset

Some things that might have happened:

  • you are not opening the project that you think you are
  • you are in the correct project but not opening the same scene you had open before
  • you dragged the project (or part of it) into the trash (intentionally or inadvertently)
  • you moved the project (or part of it) somewhere else (intentionally or inadvertently)
  • an overly-aggressive antivirus solution quarantined it because it saw code being compiled in there
  • you’re using a directory sync like OneDrive or Dropbox… NEVER USE THESE SERVICES WITH UNITY!
  • something else??

As I said, it’s probably still all on your system to be found if you look in the right places.

A typical Unity project will have at a minimum the following folders:



Close Unity and make a full project backup RIGHT NOW. Do not do ANYTHING else until you back it up 100%.

Ideally copy that backup to another computer, or back it up to another external hard drive entirely. This is just basic data processing best practices during data recovery operations.

If you can see all the files and folders of your project, make sure you are opening the scene file you were working in.

Once you have opened the scene, look in the hierarchy window, select an object and move the mouse over the Scene window and press F to focus that object.

Additional notes:

- ALWAYS use proper industrial grade source control (see below)
- NEVER use Dropbox or any file sync mechanism in Unity.
- NEVER move files within your project, except by doing it within Unity
- ALWAYS be sure you are fully backed up before upgrading Unity


Some info about Missing script warnings, broken prefabs, GUIDs, renaming GUIDs, etc:


EVERYTHING in Unity is connected to the above GUID, which is stored ONLY in the metafile.

It is super-easy to inadvertently change it by renaming outside of Unity. Don't do that. Instead:

- close Visual Studio (important!)
- rename the file(s) in Unity
- in Unity do Assets -> Open C# Project to reopen Visual Studio
- now rename the actual classes, and MAKE SURE THE FILE NAMES DO NOT CHANGE!

If you are NOT using source control while you do this, renaming files is an EXTREMELY dangerous process. Use source control at all times so that you can trivially revert if you miss a critical step and damage your project.