unity email confirmation

Hi, I am working on a registration form, and I cannot think up a good method for checking if the email that the user provides actually exists… right now I am just using a couple of for() loops to check if the enteredEmail contains both an “@” and a “.”

But, for obvious reasons, this does not work that well. I would be very thankful to anyone who could provide me with any information on how to do this correctly. Anyway, here is my verification code as it stands:

// Note: Create better email ref checks.

for(var q : int; q < enteredEmail.Length; q++)
	if(enteredEmail[q] == "@")
		canProc = true;
for(var c : int; c < enteredEmail.Length; c++)
 == ".") && (canProc))
			canProc = true;

Many thanks,


The nice thing about working in the Mono environment, is that you have access to all the experience and helpfulness of the MSDN and it’s community. A simple google search yields a pretty solid example directly in the MSDN documentation:

You’ll also notice that it’s using some not-so-regular namespaces, doing an additional search yields that the .NET Unity subset supports them:

Daniel’s answer is of course a great way to do a sanity check of the entered email, but since it’s a registration form, you should send an email with a confirmation-link to be sure that the address exists.

Confirmation emails is more a PHP question.
Here are some posts about the basics:
