unity embedded into another application

It is possible tu use a Unity application embedded into another application?

I'll explain the idea completely. We want to create simulation application embedded into another application. We don't know yet in wich language is written this second application, but could be java or whatever...

The idea is makin this simulator in Unity an join this to the second application. how does Unity work with that?


unity's activex control can be added to any program that supports activex technology. java,.net or native C/C++ or even visual basic programs and office documents support activex controls. unity has an activex control as web player for IE. IE uses activex for web plugins. you can easily use this activex control and it's properties to open a unity project in the control and embed it in your application. you can use SendMessage to send messages to your unity project. the properties and methods of the activex control don't have seporate documentation. see the documentation about web player to know more about it

Since the web player is discontinued is this still the recommended method?