Currently the sample of ECS content streaming is showing how to load entities when serializing them on bake time and not from an outside source, for example, from the cloud.
Has somebody else also encountered the same problem?
For example, after I have published the game, if I would like to create new content for the game without uploading a new version, is it even possible?
This has very little (if anything) to do with Entities. When you make new content available via CDN as Addressables you can include a new scene. This new scene would behave just the same as if the scene was already in the project on build time.
He’s talking about Content Management Content management | Entities | 1.3.8 not addressables, which is an entities only feature. You can’t use addressables with entities.
To answer your question Songerk, yes you can push new content management without a new build. However unlike addressables it doesn’t support incremental builds so you just push your full catalog. Existing content won’t be required to be re-downloaded though, it does maintain a cache of the guid bundles you’ve already acquired so only new/changed ones in the catalog will be downloaded.
You’d probably want to make the url dynamic though by reading from a simple page that your app has a reference to which redirects to the actual url of your latest catalog so users won’t download while you’re mid updating. You can just update this to the latest catalog/version once you’ve finish uploading (and testing etc.)
Thank you for the advice!
When I try to use the way it shows in documentation, I get stuck.
For example, I try to create an asset bundle from a folder that contains SubScenes that I want to load at runtime. After building and publishing it, that’s how it looks:
And I was able to download it to the folder of the build when doing local server with Python.
But after downloading it, I have no idea what to do with it.
Where in the build should I store the files?
How do I tell the EntitySceneReference that that is the file of scene that I need?
when I am just downloading and storing it the build folder, It’s always unable to find the entity header for the scene
I’m not really sure what you mean by download with python?
ContentDeliveryGlobalState.Initialize(remoteUrlRoot, Application.persistentDataPath + "/content-cache", initialContentSet, s =>
Is the code you should be using to download it.
If you for some reason need to download it manually, it goes into the same cache folder which they specify as
Application.persistentDataPath + "/content-cache"
But you can really use anything you want within persistent
Also look at
It’s a bit of a mess and I don’t have a reference in front of me atm so can’t check exactly the methods/setup you need, but once you’ve got it loaded, you can just load the content using the normal guids that match weak objects/weak references. Generally I’d suggest just having a single subscene you reference and have all your own custom code subreferenced from within this, seems easier to me.