Unity Error message when integrating ARCore Extensions/Google.IOSResolver.dll' will not be loaded

Hello dear community,

I would like to integrate the ARCore Extensions Packet into Unity:
Link: Getting started with ARCore Extensions for AR Foundation | Google for Developers
But I always get the same error message:
"Assembly ‘Packages/com.google.ar.core.arfoundation.extensions/Editor/ExternalDependencyManager/Editor/Google.IOSResolver.dll’ will not be loaded due to errors:
Unable to resolve reference ‘UnityEditor.iOS.Extensions.Xcode’. Is the assembly missing or incompatible with the current platform?

I have tested some suggested solutions and integrated different package versions, but the error message remains. I tested the following suggested solutions, which didn’t work:
Link: Google.IOSResolver will not be loaded in 2021.1.11f1 and later - Unity Forum
Link: [BUG] Unable to resolve reference ‘UnityEditor.iOS.Extensions.Xcode’ on Windows · Issue #412 · googlesamples/unity-jar-resolver · GitHub

Does anyone have a solution for me that I could test?

Thank you,
Andreas Binder

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