Unity Error Occurred While Resolving Packages - Help!

Hi, I never ran into this problem before and have built past unity projects alright.

However, yesterday, I decided to update my unity hub to newer version, and now all of a sudden,
I keep getting this error and my packages are not loading into the editor workspace.

Additionally, anytime I try and enter into game mode unity will suddenly stop and bounce me back to editor mode. I am very lost why this is happening, and even my past projects that worked fine seem to be affected as well.

All help is greatly appreciated!


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I would fix that project path first. You have what looks like a space after the “XR” and before the next delimiter.

Generally try to avoid ANYTHING except A-Z and 0-9 in paths / filenames. You technically CAN use it but then you are completely beholden to 100% of every program behaving correctly, and this is often not true.

Hi Kurt, Thanks so much, will try that.

Could you also give an example of good vs. bad unity file names? Sorry I am learning by myself.

Before you go shredding and changing too much stuff, do a SMALL experiment to find out if it’s the actual problem first. It might not be. It’s just the first thing that looks funny, having a SPACE at the end of a directory name.
