Unity error on a nonexistent line of code

This is the error I get from my 31 lines of code:
Assets/spawnTile.js(32,1): BCE0044: expecting }, found ‘’.

var focus : GameObject;
var cutoff : int;
var tile : Transform;

function Update () {
	var distance = Vector3.Distance(focus.transform.position, gameObject.transform.position);
	var self = transform.position;
	var selfX = Mathf.Floor(transform.position.x/1.5);
	var selfZ = Mathf.Floor(transform.position.z/.866);
//	print (coord);
//	print (Vector3(self.x + 1.5, self.z + .866));
	if (distance < cutoff){
		var checkX = selfX + 1;
		var checkZ = selfZ + 1;
		var coord : String = "x" + checkX + "z" + checkZ;
		if (!(GameObject.Find(coord + "(Clone)"))){
			tile.name = (coord);
			Instantiate (tile, self + Vector3(1.5, 0, .866), Quaternion.identity);
		checkX = selfX + 1;
		checkZ = selfZ - 1;
		coord = "x" + checkX + "z" + checkZ;
		if (!(GameObject.Find(coord + "(Clone)")) && !(GameObject.Find(coord))){
			tile.name = (coord);
			Instantiate (tile, self + Vector3(1.5, 0, -.866), Quaternion.identity);
	else if (distance < cutoff + 1) {
		Destroy (gameObject);

Well, my expected } is in place on line 31, and there is no " anywhere in sight. ?!

You’re missing a }, most likely before the else on line 27 based on your indentation.