Unity export project for Android, WebService error while uploading data

I’m exporting a project from Unity3D for Android,

I’m trying to upload data to a WebService

In Unity3D, it’s working without any problems. Here’s my code.

IEnumerator CreatHuman_UploadData(string Base64)
            WWWForm form = new WWWForm();
            form.AddField("uid", guid);
            form.AddField("file", Base64);

            WWW www = new WWW(url, form);

            yield return www;

            if (www.error != null)
                Debug.Log("Upload Error: " + www.error);
                Debug.Log("Form upload complete!");


But when I Export Project for Android, it gives me an error.

It prints this Upload Error: 500 Internal Server Error

If I’m not wrong, there should be an Android-specific command for uploading the data for Android as the problem is only on Android, not in Unity3D. But I don’t seem to find that Android-specific method.

Thanks for your help.

PS: “guid” and “Base64” is a string

As you can see you’ve a 500 error. This means that the server you’re pointing at has some trouble processing the data that you sent. So, can you perform a debug on backend? Maybe some of your strings are wrong and that leads to a 500 error. Or there’s some bug on backend and that’s why 500 happens.

Hope this helps!