On Android everything is fine (no problems at all), but on iOS it doesn’t work at all, no callbacks (so I can’t even login)… Any advice?
Just found the solution and hidden cause of this problem. ( Read it up in this link : Log into Facebook)
I have Google Play Games integrated in my game too, and it has a GPGSAppController.mm which also overrides AppController, and have a openURL function insides it, and somehow when the openURL error which was supposed to happen at UnityAppController.mm’s openURL , didnt trigger inside GPGSAppController.mm’s openURL, causing the Facebook Login to just hang at the white screen after user’s permission interaction. Just put this 2 scripts (https://bitbucket.org/snippets/etliaojing/aanKj) in your build ( if you dont already have a script that overrides UnityAppController) and everything will be fine. In the case where you already have one , make sure to apply similar fix to the openURL function to your AppController script.