Unity false positives using malwarebytes

As title says malwarebytes is detecting unity cache as malware. Going to assume this is harmless, but would appreciate a reply to confirm this is just a false positive.

Update : temp solution for others that may get this problem is to prevent malwarebytes from thinking the above files are malicious by switching off this option " Use expert system algorithms to identify malicious files ".

i rescanned the folder with no problem files detected.

what third party assets you use? are you sure you have official assets installed? not some “wild” assets taken from the “slums” of internet?

Only use package manager, official stuff only. There’s no “wild” assets amongst any of it as far as i’m aware.

I’ve removed the cache folder and its subfolders from AppData/Roaming and let unity rebuild those folders. I don’t know how far back those cache/unity webstore folders go, I’ve got several versions of unity and assets going back as far as 2005 though. I’m only really concerned about my most recent projects which appear to run fine. reading elsewhere appears that malwarebytes option mentioned above has caused similar problems. I just run malwarebytes scan again with the option switched back on and no issues yet. I’ll post back if there’s any changes.