I’m using the free version of Unity, and while working on a scene I’m having difficulty finding the solution to a “fog” issue.
I’ve added linear fog to my 3D scene and it covers the terrain properly, but all of the assets ignore the fog when rendering and are clearly visible through the fog. I’ve search for a solution but the only thing I’ve found was mention of using GlobalFog (which is Unity Pro).
I’m sure I’m missing something as I see other projects that render fog/assets properly. Could someone please point me in the right direction?
That was true 4 years ago but not now. The free version of Unity has all the same rendering features as Pro. The GlobalFog post processing may or may not address your issue though. Try it, but make sure that you find up-to-date information because Unity’s Post Processing has been revamped several times in the past few years. The most current version can be installed using the a Package manager.
What sort of shader are you using on the objects that don’t work?
Thanks for the reply, kdgalla. I’m using a crossfade shader for LOD, but reverted back to the standard shader as a test with the same results.
Attached a screenshot where you can see the terrain gets fog, but the objects in the distance are clearly visible. I’m sure I’m just missing something, just not sure what
Although looking at it,it looks like instead of global fog, they’ve changed it to “deferred fog”. Are you using deferred lighting mode by any change? I think that was the graphics setting that I was thinking of that is incompatible with built-in fog.
No I haven’t. I have only activated the linear fog, and switched between the standard and crossfade shaders to see it it changed anything. I don’t see Global Fog in the standard assets so I’m still searching for that to tinker with it.