Hi There,
I am trying to make unity work as a live camera mapping tool - you’ve seen them - the projections onto buildings that are ‘skinned’ onto the topology of the architecture? LIKE THIS
In order to make it easy, it would be great that unity can do a few things:
- Being able to edit, or construct simple shapes in 3d in play mode. (Like the GIZMO demo here Vertex manipulation (or a fake) of planes would be fantastic, similar to vj apps like VPT.
- Some way to make the edits persist after runtime mapping (like PlayModePersist)
- Playback the runtime screen at full screen on play, such that it can be output to a projector in play mode in exactly the same scale, format, etc as a published build (no menubars, etc).
Very probably (or even hopefully) it’s all there, but I was hoping for some help as I am a newbie Unity fella.
If there are any developers out there who go “ohh…that’s easy” please PM me, and we can talk turkey.