Unity for things other than games

Other than games, and, I guess, other than architectural visualization, which seems to be the other major usage for game engines.

What’s out there?

From time to time I dabble in electronics (mainly 'duino of various persuasions), and RC and the occasional robotics. OpenCog is a well-known robotics library (C++, boo, hiss) and I was surprised to find that Unity is used as a simulation environment for testing certain types of OpenCog systems.

That got me wondering what else people are using it for beyond the obvious normal game/viz projects.

I’ve seen it used for

  • Interpretive dance
  • Interactive opera displays
  • A healthcare app UI
  • Teaching science in primary school
  • Incident investigation/simulations
  • Industry training
  • Military training
  • Olympics things (no idea what the project is, but they are constantly advertising for unity engineers)
  • As an intermediate step in motion capture animation workflows

Interpretive dance? I must have some terrible destiny in store, that is literally the fourth time this week someone has mentioned that.


That is quite a list … I could see how it could be used for lighting displays …

The simulations was got my interest in Unity originally …


Are you using Unity for any Robotics projects currently?

I haven’t used it personally for anything robotics-related at all. And so far my only real robotics tinkering has been modifying an RC car into a self-driving (GPS + Netduino) thing that roams around the yard. We have almost 6 acres so I’ve always thought it might be nice to build an automated lawn mower, and I’ve pondered simulating that inside Unity. I think it would be a lot of fun to write.

I have used it as a treatment for PTSD (Bravemind), I used it extensively for my dissertation.


That would be a great Unity simulation to write.

I wonder how well it work to drive a real lawn mower using just normal RC controls? Have that information fed back into a Unity screen so you could mow your lawn with a RC controller.

I wonder if you could setup your automated lawn mower similar to the same way you set up race car AI in Unity racing game? With a predefined path it could follow to mow your lawn and add a few smarts over time to make it more autonomous. The ability to go around trees automatically as part of the normal additions.

That is really interesting application of VR technology. How long did it take to develop?

I have two daughters using Unity to showcase their original comic books.

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There are groups here at Lockheed Martin using Unity for certain simulations.


aw you mention interpretive dance but not interactive art installations?

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My wife and I have built and flown a lot of racing drones with FPV (video) and I was planning the first mower as RC-controlled with video. It was easy to add a spare video RX to the house AV system, it’ll be trivial to put one on a mower so I can literally mow the lawn from my couch over the TV. :slight_smile:

Then… automation.

We have a website showcase for these sorts of things! :slight_smile:


My highlights? The 3D Animation that reacted to live music being played by an orchestra and also the Radiohead sound-scape mobile experience. :smile:

Seeing how borderline some of those are I’m surprised Kerbal Space Program isn’t in there too.


I know I saw a job listing a week or two ago that Boeing was looking for Unity Developers to help them develop some simulations for their newest planes

Or…you could remotely control RC semitrucks with babies in them:


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What do you mean by ‘borderline’?

Applications that are very close to being both game and non-game. Dinosaur Mix, The Void, Universal Sandbox, etc.

Eh, their focus is less on fitting into the ‘game’ description (Whatever that may be, its a very blurred definition) and more on other elements such as interactivity, educational or experimentation.

There are better examples of non-games on that list; I wouldn’t worry about it too much! :smile: