Well, the title basically says it all! Is there, or will there be an app for the forum? Right now im writing this on my phone and its a rather pain to use the forum on safari! So it just came to mind that there should be a unity related app. Corect me if im wrong and theres already one but if not dont you agree this would be a great way to communicate with our fellow unityians?
A Unity Forum app would be good. I don’t tend to browse the forums using my iOS devices because it is a bit fiddly to use. I have to log in each time, which I don’t tend to bother with. It is much easier to wait until I am on my computer, where I am always logged in, so I can see which threads have updated since my last visit. Plus I don’t have to zoom in to hit next page, etc.
yes, that would be awesome.
an app for mobiles that would let create, view and reply to threads without being using the browser
I’d be willing to help with this. I program for Android (W/o unity) and would be happy to aid you. Would be a great portfolio piece.
Shoot me an email at jonbonazza@bonafide-software.com and we’ll discuss the content.
As a way of giving back to the community, i wouldn’t charge a dime. =)
This is a vBulletin-powered forum, so there’s no need to write another app for it. Just use the vBulletin one. (You can get the iOS app here.)
Or the UT folks could add support for ForumRunner, which talks to a bunch of forum apps, including vBulletin.
In order to make use of the mobile versions of VBulletin, you also are required to purchase a Mobile VB license. This will run you around $150-200. Although this is the best way, agreed, I was just offering them a free solution.
I have not heard of FreeRunner, however comepitors such as TappaTalk are full of security holes and are generally avoided by educated forums owners.
A Unity forum app would be da bomb!
This doesn’t let you post but it does let you view posts (somewhat imperfectly - it relies on the RSS feed)
There’s also an Android version.