Unity Free + Android (400$)


I’m a computer engineering student and i’m working on my final project to get my degree.

I plan to research and learn about making videogames on the Android phones using Unity, with the purpose to make a game as a final work. There’s some kind of Unity3D educational license for developing Android games? (As i see in your website, the free Unity license is not enough to do that).


There are educational licenses (something like $73 for Unity Pro) but I’m afraid they’re not commercial, and there’s no educational license for Unity Android at all. If you want to publish for android at all, it’s going to run you $400. You could always trying contacting Unity directly, but I’m fairly certain they have a “all prices are final” viewpoint on this kind of stuff.

I’m a game design student, and I just dropped $400 on the Android license. You’re not alone!

I’m not interesting in publish my game, i only want to learn about making videogames, Android and Unity3D. In that case i have to pay 400$? it’s too much for me.

I have contacted with Unity directly, i’m looking forward a reply.

Thanks for give me a hand.

Unity is very, very good with customer service. They have actual people that actually e-mail quickly after you’ve e-mailed them. I received my Android license for free during a deal that was offered for a limited time, I believe it was around April earlier this year. I’m not sure if my license covers commercial development, though. You could try for something like that.

You can try the 30days pro demo with iOS and Android deployment.
If you are working on the final project and prepared every thing with the unity3d free, 30 days should enough .

You’re wong. Here : http://www.studica.com/us/en/unity/unity-pro-4-student/upap4.html or http://www.studica.com/us/en/unity/unity-pro-4-student.html



I think that it should be a free license for android as well. I am also looking for a solution for making games for android, but as I just found out, $400 for a license just to export to android, it is very expensive. Anyway, moving away from Unity now, sorry to say.

I don’t know why they make it so expensive. Do they know that other great engines for android are coming out for free? For example, “Project Anarchy” from Havoc, is coming out this spring for free.

It’s rather cheap compared to some others, and they need to fund development…

But, if we think about this a little, Havoc has a great engine, and will make it free( really free, not even royalties ). So Unity will have to compete with this.
$400 against $0 ? Is it still cheap?

The Havok Project Anarchy is free only for Android and iOS, and other platforms cost. ( See www.projectanarchy.com/blog )

You, and other people have this bizarre idea that 2 things of the same category should be competing on price. I’m not sure ferrari needs to reduce the price to compete with mini.

No… unity is a completely different development process to havok… and a lot easier.

Unity is a good engine, but the basic version 400 USD 100 USD + vat
. does not offer many tools and it is just a fee for issuing a shame. Proversion Unity is a powerful tool but it costs 1900 USD and it is much
See if you havoc offer for free it the basic unity