Unity freezes on building WebGL

Hi everyone! Im trying to test out my game, achurly built. I went to the build settings and selected wenT, that all went fine. And then I went to file - build and run. Everything went fine until this stage of rendering.

“Building native binary with IL2CPP”

During this phase, unity just freezes. I went to task manager and saw that

“Unity 2018.4.13f Personal - Untitled - First Project - WebGL is not responding”

I have no idea why any on this is happening, but I would apriciate any help thanks!

How long are you waiting? The building native binary with IL2CPP step takes a while even on good hardware. If you have old hardware it might take a pretty long while.

Hi there, I tried again and waited longer during this phase and it worked! Sorry about the hassle, I guess I’m just impatient. :wink:

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