Unity Freezing

When I run this script Unity becomes unresponsive and won’t close. I additionally would find it helpful if somebody could share how I could terminate my code if it runs for too long.

The purpose of this script to randomly generate buildings ,insert buildings randomly selected from another array t the corners, and add a gap at the end of the row when the scene loads. I have created and assigned Unity tags: “building” and “cornerbuilding”. I have also created the tag “instance”

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class buildingplace : MonoBehaviour {
	public GameObject[] buildings;
	public GameObject[] cornerBuildings;
	public GameObject streetSpace;
	private GameObject[] Instances;
	//i= current instance
	//r=current selector
	private float addwidth;
	private float distance=0f;
	public float streetLen=20f;
	void Start()
		buildings = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag ("building");
		cornerBuildings = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag ("cornerBuilding");
		//TO DO: loopfor 25 blocks
		for (int i = 0; distance<streetLen; i++)
			int r= Random.Range(0, (buildings.Length));
			float currentW = (buildings [r].GetComponent<Collider> ().bounds.size.z) * .5f;
			//this if will place the first cornder building on the street
				Debug.Log ("loop closed");
				r = Random.Range(0, (cornerBuildings.Length));
					Debug.Log (buildings.Length);
				GameObject frontCornerInst = Instantiate(cornerBuildings[r], new Vector3(0, 0, currentW), Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
				frontCornerInst.gameObject.tag = ("instance");
				distance += currentW;
				//place last corner building at transform.position.z=streetlen-currentW
				GameObject backCornerInst = Instantiate(cornerBuildings[r], new Vector3(0, 0, streetLen-currentW), Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
				backCornerInst.gameObject.tag = ("instance");

				GameObject streetSpaceInst = Instantiate(streetSpace, new Vector3(0, 0, streetLen+currentW), Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
				streetSpaceInst.gameObject.tag = ("instance");
				while(buildings [r].GetComponent<Collider> ().bounds.Intersects(buildings [r].GetComponent<Collider> ().bounds));
				addwidth = (Instances[i-1].GetComponent<Collider>().bounds.size.z)*.5f;
				GameObject instance = Instantiate(buildings[r], new Vector3(0, 0, distance), Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
				instance.gameObject.tag = ("instance");
				Debug.Log (addwidth +"_"+ currentW +"_"+ distance);
			Instances = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag ("instance");
		foreach(GameObject building in buildings){
		foreach (GameObject cornerBuilding in cornerBuildings) {
			cornerBuilding.SetActive (false);

the problem is inside your while loop.

if a condition is never met inside a while loop, unity always freezes.

soon as your colliders are touching your while loop starts and there is nothing to break it.

im not sure exactly what you are doing but if you want something to gradually happen each frame when your colider’s bounds are together you should put yur statement in a void update function or Fixed update function instead of inside a loop.