Unity game and lower android API level

Minimum android version for unity project is 4.1 API 16. I wondering if even it’s possible? it’s been 2 weeks and I’m trying to do that, but it always crashes, even android version 5, 6, But high than 7 is fine.

Another question is if it’s reliable to test unity game on emulator?


Yes, API 16 is possible, but you will have to check the documentation on platform specific builds to configure (details are way beyond a post here, so you would have to come back with specific issues on configuring for Android to be of help here). “It crashes” doesn’t mean all that much, we need specifics - we’re maybe 1,000 miles away with no vision on your project.

Emulators vary widely. Most have limited graphics support, and even then only OpenGL ES 2.0. Memu has OpenGLES 3.0 with harware support, and AMIDuos as good ES 2.0 in hardware, and both are x86 32 bit targets only. API on these are somewhere around 20 or 19 (Android 5.1 maybe).

For a Unity game, the AVD is probably not workable overall. AMIDuos and Memu are made to play Android games on PC, and generally work within their limits, with debugging.