So me and my team has been planning to join this Unity Contest, we setup everything … so we decided to check the rules and we found that we should be at least 18 years old… well all of our team members are under 18 years old so we can’t join? you guys should be supporting young developers more than that, I have been working in gaming industry for more than 6 years and I am still 15 and I think that I am capable to do anything that 18 years old guy can do, I am just… dispointed, unless you have a reason for that.
Because of that age limit, I can’t join the contest and I am missing myself a chance to win the Cash or the pro license.
Well I think there is no "Kid " and adult thing in money/contest stuff, I myself is handelling everything related to my team, Including Money/Leading Etc
It’s true that there are some things I can’t do until I get older, but what I know that I can program correctly like any other adult, and doing an age limit is not neccessary.
Many territories place legal restrictions on contests/giveaways to limit their use in marketing towards children. Regardless of your maturity level or your programming ability, you are still legally considered a child by the state. It’s not a choice by Unity to keep the kids out, but rather a legal requirement to be able to offer the contest in the first place.
Well, there are many contests like Global game jam that doesn’t have any Age limit, so I don’t think that it’s a law problem, also I am not doing anything wrong or something that my parents doesn’t know about.
I myself am 15 (almost 16) and I program better than people in their thirties. I have even written a program for a medical company that is used in hospitals around the world. I believe they should allow us into their contest. In this day and age, age does not matter at all because most teenagers or children know more than their parents.
I misspoke slightly. It’s not that they can’t open the contest to minors, it’s that doing so places additional legal restrictions and compliance steps upon them.
Don’t mistake your personal liberties for entitlement. You’re owed nothing, just like everyone else.
You’re simply not eligible for this contest. It’s not a huge deal. Continue about your business creating games or making hospital software, or whatever’s gotten you to this point of career excellence you’ve apparently already achieved. In a couple years, you’ll be able to enter contests like this.
If I were a mature young person, I would follow the rules of the contest and create my own entry and just show it off to the community regardless of the potential for me winning the prize, and find enjoyment and gratification in knowing my own talent, rather than requiring it to be confirmed from exterior sources.
Chin up! You’re already ahead of the game by having a technical skill proficiency at a young age. I didn’t learn how to really program until I was 25. Continue learning and building things, and by the time you’re 18, you won’t even remember this contest existed. And by the time you’re 25, you’ll have enough expendable cash to buy 10 Pro licenses yourself.