Unity Game Developer Contest 2016

Where is our Mother Of Dragons… She said ask ur questions here but she doesnt answer… my Khalisa, please…:sunglasses:

So the contest wants you to build with Windows 10 SDK. These applications can run on many devices, including desktops, tablets, phones, IoT devices (like Raspberry Pi 2), HoloLens, Xbox and more. Atm, you cannot really run it on HoloLens or Xbox because either device (in HoloLens case) or deployment tools (in Xbox case) aren’t publicly available, but in theory, you game should just run on them in the future if you build it today using this build platform.

You need at least Windows 8.1 to build, and Windows 10 if you want to run the built game.

I’ve no idea about the first question, I’ll get somebody to answer it.

Regarding the second one: what kind of porting guide are you talking about? Generally, nothing substantially changed between Windows Store Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 SDK, so most stuff applies in the same way. There are many resources online talking about porting Unity games to Windows Store.


@Tautvydas-Zilys ,

Thanks for reply. I meant “porting guides” from this link

Minimum age requirement 18? Why? :frowning:

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Hi, your Windows Developer Account should still work. If you run into any issues though, please sign up to the 1st submission form and then Microsoft can send you a token for a new account. If your account works, there’s no need to sign up to step 1 :slight_smile:

Hi, there are just a few country limitations, please review the “Eligibility” section in the T&Cs here: http://unity3d.com/contest/windows/terms

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Hey sorry, I’ve been travelling and working on a tonne of stuff so it’s been a bit hectic but I’ll get answers for you.

Edit: Jo beat me to it :stuck_out_tongue:

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Hi, yes the contest rules state that you must build with Unity 5.2 or later and Visual Studios 2015. Please see “Step 2” on this page: http://unity3d.com/contest/windows

Hi, Microsoft is still working on the porting guides. Unfortunately we don’t yet have an ETA. We’ll announce on social media once they’re live on the page though. Thanks and sorry for the delay!

Hi, the contest deadline (to complete step 3) is February 10th. We’re just recommending developers submit their app to the Windows Store by January 27th so that there’s sufficient time for your game to be reviewed, approved and published on the store in time. We also recommend this in case any games fail certification and developers need to resubmit to the store. After your game is published on the Windows Store, you’ll be sent a unique URL which you’ll need to enter into the final contest entry form “step 3”. I hope that clarifies things for you.

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What about target devices? Does this game need to be mobile/desktop/both

Hi James, it can be a PC game, mobile game and/or both :slight_smile:

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looks like it might be time to upgrade to windows 10 then!


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If you need any help with anything, I can help in some areas, as I’ve been round the block a few times already. :slight_smile:

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The reason I think for this decision is due to unity 5.2 being the only one with Windows 10 SDK support. (Unity 4 never had this)

Point being, it shouldn’t be too hard to port a unity 4.x project over to 5 anyway, just make sure to backup first! :wink:

I do ask; how come you quoted my post? :smile: I don’t see anything there. Still, good to know that if you’ve done it previously, it will still work. :slight_smile:

why vs2015 ?? not 2013 ??

Most likely, that’s the version with Windows 10 support… Have no idea otherwise, maybe UT can clear this one up.

I do know one thing however, and that’s the fact that I don’t remember seeing the windows 10 kit included in the VS2013 installer. In other words, that’s most likely why VS2015 is minimum requirement.

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Thanks for a lot of clarifications @Jo-Ryall , you have helped a lot.
Last question, as I know I’ll not get myself in to top #3 but maybe like with a 1% chance :roll_eyes: maybe I can get a Unity Pro License… Does that license includes Android, IOS too or it will be the standard Unity 5 only…?

Why can’t those under 18 participate?