unity game doesn't work in windows 7

I’ve created a game in the latest unity3d engine on a windows vista pc. I tried the game on a vista and xp machine, and it works like it should but when I try it on a windows 7 machine, the game doesn’t work like it should, more specifically the timer in my game. It goes way to fast, is this a common issue or is there something I forgot to implement?

I’ve included my timer script, I guess that’s were the problem should be?

static var gameOver: int = 0;
var startTime: int= 3000000;
var strStartTime;
static var extraTime:int = 0;

function Start(){

function Update () {

if (Game.gameOver==0){

extraTime = timeCollision.extraTime;
//Debug.Log("Extra time:" + extraTime);

	if (startTime > 1){
	startTime = startTime + extraTime;
	var minutes : int = startTime / 60;
	guiText.text = String.Format ("{0:00}", minutes);
	//timeCollision.extraTime = 0;
	if (startTime == 0) {
		guiText.text="Time's up";

	timeCollision.extraTime = 0;

function FormatTime (time) {
var intTime : int = time;
var minutes : int = intTime / 60;
var seconds : int = intTime % 60;

timeText = seconds.ToString ();
return timeText;

Make sure you use Time.deltaTime in Update() to make sure it time independent.

Update() could be called 10 times or 200 times per second depending on the hardware,OS, etc.