I saw it on apple.com a while back. It was actually the most popular game download there for a while. I noticed it was Unity, but I didn’t know it was on Steam now. Nice.
Saw this on Steam a while back, and yeah, had no idea it was made in Unity. I bought it (Mac version), to spread the love (and the money). After I played the demo of course, very sweet!
Also, this makes me want to get my games on Steam eventually. That’d be cool.
Im still boycotting stEAm after Valve decided to introduce this new pricing policy just before christmas 2008. Too bad. It was a great service, but when the games cost almost twice at the stEAm-store than in a regular store, it`s just stupid.
In fact that was one of our interrogation a while back. We already have one game on Steam, Penguins Arena Save 85% on Penguins Arena: Sedna's World on Steam , it was made with TGE so we had access to source code which is necessary for Steam integration… we still wondering how much it would have cost us to do the same with Unity. :?
Agreed, the lack of source code can be a downer (especially when it comes to debugging! Man, I miss stepping through code and proper debug!!!)… although I wonder what kinds of things you need to do for Steam and whether or not they would be possible through Mono.
Oh BTW, congrats on Penguin Arena. It’s a really cool game - coming from the Torque community myself, it’s always great to see someone have a success
Sorry to bump an old thread, but can anyone expand on this? Do you really have to buy the Unity source code to sell a Unity game on Steam? That’s a bit disheartening if it’s true. What does “Steam integration” consist of?
I’d imagine that the plugin capabilities of Unity would be enough for steam integration. I can’t say for sure though. It’s been awhile since I’ve looked at steam, but I remember thinking at the time that it would be doable. Maybe someone who has given it more research can chime in.
The 2D version is in fact Flash, the downloadable 3D one is in fact Unity. It’s been on Steam for quite some time now, catch up y’all! Heck, it’s on our Game List page with an image and everything…
He’s talking about his game “Penguins Arena” being made in TGE (Torque Game Engine) and the source code he mentions is referring to that, not Unity source code.